BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 2013.12.28 notes

General Summary

  • Gorgoroth sent Snots with T'Mara back to lair to make sure the truce between humans and kobolds were enforced
  • Digen brought Siber, the kobold cold priest, along for the ride
  • Party traveled to Prosser to find information on missing boy. Talked to Mrs Heathington about the disappearance of her son, Bren Heathington. Commissioned Big Dan Tate as their guide.
  • Along the road to Dauth, Caesar spotted 2 characters following the party. They slowed down and met Big Dan's two companions from the inn: a rough adventurer with fancy crossbow and deadly axes, and a hooded mute, carrying a sack full of various weaponry.
  • At the crossroads on the edge of Dauth farmland and Valley Copse, the party found a large gathering of various individuals, including:
  • - A bard singing and writing songs - Treloreen Spiritwind, a Druid of Harken's Heart and her wolf companion - Two shifter barbarians, one who wanted to redeem himself with the Tigerclaw clan and one who wanted to get his friend back to the Riven clan before Shadowfang finds them missing - Various farmers and merchants, watching the events play out
  • The young adventurers came running out of the woods, carrying one of their friends, who was 10 years younger and losing life by the minute
  • - Thom began rituals to try to reverse but had to stay with the boy just to keep him from getting worse
  • Gorgoroth, Digen, Caesar, Siber, Big Dan, Nelson and the Mute went into the Forest to find the cottage. Big Dan led the way
  • Party was attacked by animal spirits in the mist, but quickly repelled them
  • - Within the battle, Caesar was dominated by a hawk spirit and forced to attack the Mute and Digen. The Mute was tougher than he looked, blocked one strong attack and took two more solid hits without going down. - After battle Caesar apologized to Mute and noticed he was an elf
  • Gorgoroth told Big Dan and Nelson to leave. They left but Digen thought they were just making a loop around to avoid the party
  • Digen detected two different types of magic, one leading towards nature and the other leading towards necrotic. They followed the necrotic energy.
  • At a collapsed saw mill on the river, Caesar spotted a black knight in Raven Queen garb
  • - Party introduced themselves to knight and realized he was Vlad, the paladin of the Black Stars adventuring group who helped destroy the Ghostlord and later captured the party and turned in their bounty to General Zithiruun. - The two sides decided to work together to resolve the necrotic energy and close the portal to the Shadowfell
  • Party with Vlad tracked upriver and found the cottage.
  • - Outside the cottage, Caesar found two bodies of the shifter barbarians and the discarded clothing and wig of the Mute - Party found Big Dan running away and screaming like a little girl - Peeking in the window, they each saw something different: Caesar saw a beautiful elf maid comforting a small childGorgoroth saw a human tavern wench holding a child dressed in the man-clothes of Nelson, Big Dan's associateDigen saw through the illusion and saw the had tying to devour the child, who was shrinking and growing younger in her spell
  • Vlad kicked in the cottage door and combat began
  • - After Caesar was thrown through the wall of the cottage, Gorgoroth's powerful attack was blocked by the hag's staff and Vlad was bloodied in two hits, the party decided the best strategy was a smash-and-grab. - Caesar grabbed the child and shadow-stepped away. The rest of the party ran after him
  • At the crossroads, Thom worked on helping both children from shrinking to nothing
  • Gorgoroth shared the stories of the Ghostlord with Treloreen, the druid. They came to the conclusion that
  • - The hag was once a human illusionist who tricked Harfoot Crimelore into false love, probably Rose Sawyer - Harfoot tried to kill their son, Thomas and then murdered Rose's father, mother and brothers at the sawmill - Rose's friend Willow put a spell of protection on Rose and that section of the forest and then left with Harfoot to help him - Willow had another friend, name started with a Z, that came from a temple nearby, possibly the All Pantheon Monastery of Self Enlightenment, who might have been involved - At some point later Harfoot used Druidic and necrotic magic to turn the Tree of Life into his phylactery and then himself into a lich - After the Heroes of Brindol and Blackstars destroyed the Ghostlord's body, the necrotic energy from the Tree of Life pulsed and caused the slaughter at the sawmill to rip open into the Shadowfell - To remove the phylactery from the Tree of Life, the party will have to learn more about Harfoot Crimelore's life before his undeath as a lich, Rose Sawyer, the mysterious woman who's name started with a Z, and the connection between the portal to the Garden of Graves in the Feywild and the new portal to the Shadowfell
    Report Date
    26 Sep 2024


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