BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 2014.02.24 notes

General Summary

  • The party, including newcomer Wrex (shifter/direwolf) ecorted a battered group of Githzerai from the mountain trails to the city of Sayre.
  • Outside the city, the party encountered a well-dressed workman lighting lamps along the road outside city proper. The lamps are very beautiful, iridescent and colorful, no two bulbs the same shape or color, indicating many artistic styles and incredible craftsmanship. Wrex asked the worker about his job and the city and was responded to in a very friendly, inviting manner, though the worker did give suspicious glances towards the githzerzai.
  • At the bridge leading into the city there was a bit of a traffic jam as carts and wagons full of produce and goods are coming and going. The guards were very friendly to the merchants and farmers but confrontational to the githzerai. Gorgoroth and Caesar spoke to the guards and assured them that the gith were honorable and had the funds to pay for their stay while in town. The guards reluctantly let everyone pass.
  • A human named Pennel introduced himself to the party and seemed to know Gorgoroth and Thom. He knew of their heroism and wanted to introduce them to his employer. A fancy carriage pulled up and out stepped a githyanki named Telicanthus. He praised the party for their heroism, offered to pay for their stay in the nicest inn and invited them to tea the next afternoon.
  • Following the githzerai, who were offended about Telicanthus, the party traveled past the Sayre University and nicer parts of town to a run down section of abandoned buildings and warehouses. A bum was hired to take them to the location of the githzerai sanctuary.
  • Inside the sanctuary they met an old friend: Amyria, now in deva form. She was working with the githzerai and trying to put a coalition of allied parties together. But first, they needed to convince the githzerai leaders to stay calm and not do anything rash.
  • The githzerai leaders were:
  • - Gall'ott. Young, tall, thin and muscular, this radical and charismatic githzerai man sees immediate military action as the only course, starting with the assassination of local githyanki socialite Telicanthus. - Azitt. A quiet, middle aged gith woman, Azitt is the only native resident of Sayre and has experienced firsthand the recent turn in public opinion against the githzerai people. - Chend. An elderly man from Zerthadlun, a prison-like community in the Elemental Chaos, Chend is wary of the races in the prime material plane and wants to lead the gith people back to Zarthadlun. He'd rather live in peace, even if imprisoned, than fight a war to save a land of racists. - Odos. Logical but uncertain, Most Exalted Odos from the House of Reprisal has not had much of a chance to rest and reflect upon the massacre at Akma'ad. Odos is well respected by the other githzerai who look to him for direction. For now, he has agreed with Amyria to take pause, meet with the Coalition and let the Heroes investigate Telicanthus.
    Report Date
    26 Sep 2024


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