BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 24 - Bridges

General Summary

After leaving the Thundering Tunnel, the group saw below a collection of small islands jutting from the red swamp water, humanoids like ants here and there all over the ruins. When the team climbed down to the base of the mountain, they saw that a rope vine bridge connected their area to the closest island.   S'thom | Grung Gloom Stalker Ranger checked out the water before they ventured forward. The depth was extremely variable, from waist-high to 30 or 40 feet deep. She stayed in the water while the others crossed the bridge. Something big swam under the bridge near Archie Duthane | Human but never harrassed S'thom.   She scouted foward and heard draconian voices speaking. "I can't wait to test out this new weapon," one said to the other. His comrade wasn't impressed. She got the sense that they were building something, but couldn't see from her vantage point in the water.   The group gathered on the western end of the island and saw one draconian working in the roots of a fallen tree on the eastern side. They looked for a way around the creatures, but there were no other bridges. They approached carefully and observed the two draconians at work. The draconians were overheard talking about working on magic items, how they hope it helps Takhisis and something about interacting with The Whisperer.   The team was spotted and combat began. The two draconians were dispatched pretty quickly, but more were spotted on the next island across a fallen tree bridge. The team split up, Gorgoroth, S'Thom, Berov and Red going on the offensive while Renestrae fired from cover guarding Archie. These draconians were unlike others they fought in Golden Savannah. Instead of turning to stone and crumbling to dust, these exploded when they died.   One of the draconians escaped and another, invisible, crossed over the bridge and attacked Renestrae. Red and Archie saved her and took the final draconian hostage.
Scales of Justice
Report Date
08 Oct 2022


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