BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


  Varus is part of the Drankunskull tribe, located in the wild in the northern region of the shadowfel. He grew up without knowing his parents, when he was a young boy around the age of 4 or 5 a group of mercenaries led by the man with the name of Sarshan pillaged his village and enslaved all of it's inhabitants. Growing up as a slave in a mercenary camp, Varus saw and heard things any young boy should not experience, from murder, rape, and abuse, after seeing all of this as a young man, nothing bothers him of this nature, Varus has become immune to emotions, the only thing he seeks is for revenge for his people. To add insult to injury, Varus doesn't even know his own age. While growing up in the camp, Varus was trained in self defense and to become a hunter. His slave master was snagged by a tree on a hunt one day and crushed to death. Since then Varus, ran away to seek saftey in a new community and live peacefully, on the way he had to fend for himself and develop skills to survive in the wild by himeself. He located a village on his travels known as Oasis, a small trading community in the middle of the forest, he decided to settle there as it is a very hidden location. A few years later, he heard word that the camp was assulted and all of the people he once new deceased. Once he received the news, something inside him sparked, an emotion, the emotion of anger, pure hatered and nothing more than redemption for his people, his first motive was to leave Oasis and reutrn to the slave camp for clues of who the attackers may be. He found out from survivors he found fleeing on the path away from the camp, the reason of the massacre of his people was the new slaver, He was a Vryloka, and a very cruel man, he was racist against the Drow and thought of them as a worthless and savage people and ordered for them to be killed. The killer of his people was a very sick man, he left a sign of his work in killing them, on the right cheek of each body, there was a number cut into the skin, the last number was 29, Varus carved the number 30 into his right cheek, as a sign he is the last of his people. In the coming months, Varus tracked down the slaver and slayed him in hz


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