The Known East Chasm, Introduction. Geographic Location in The Mountain Realm of the Phoenix. | World Anvil
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The Known East Chasm, Introduction.

The East Chasm is the only part of The Chasm that is reachable to normal people, although it is accessible to everyone it isn't under any government control because of the terrain and risk of the area, instead citizens of The East Chasm create small groups of people and claim their turf, it is not under control it is more of fear that runs the "order" of the place. The East Chasm is like any other part of the Chasm just habitable it is a gorge without water, and the steep and rocky drop that leads to it and surrounds it makes it very hard to habit and run a people let alone a nation down there, it's mostly comprised of pathways the lead to different layers of it, no light shines down there so the people who live down there use magic to light it up. Although people live down there it is by no means safe, beasts that bend reality inhabit the area, and the people in the area try to avoid them at all costs, those who see these beasts are damaged forever physically and psychologically, these horrid beasts leave a tremendous mark on the people who meet them to the point where there's no coming back. After some thought you can see how these beasts affect the civilization, changing the way they live, the standards of the people, the boundaries many don't dare to cross, and the cultural impact of said beasts. Aside from the beasts who inhabit this area, there is an alarming rate of crime in this area because there's no law, another reason why this may have transpired is that many who have been "exiled" from the main world come to this area to live and escape from the civilizations that shunned them. The culture and religion in this area has so much to talk about that it can not fit in this section, but if you must know most of them worship the beasts. This concludes the introduction to this vast and magical manuscript of The Chasm.
Gorge / Rift

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