Kí’Ríộk Ná’Owchátí Geographic Location in The Multiverse of Maha | World Anvil
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Kí’Ríộk Ná’Owchátí (/ɔi-ri-ək/ /Ɑʊ-ʧə-ti/)

The Major Plane of Destruction

Kí’Ríộk Ná’Owchátí, or "The Major Plane of Destruction" is one of Kí’Ríộk Mộnê Mộ’Rá’áyí. Like the others none have ever been able to venture there and return, dead or alive, but it has been observed from afar.   The Major Plane of Destruction appears to be a permanent and massive black hole in space endlessly swallowing up what it's sister plane Kí’Ríộk Ná’Owchètí creates and anything else which strays too close.
Dimensional plane

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