Ríộk ná’Fáífá Geographic Location in The Multiverse of Maha | World Anvil
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Ríộk ná’Fáífá (/ri-ɔk/ /nə-fɑɪ-fə/)

The Plane of Plasma

Colloquially known as either "The Plane of Lightning" in tradition or as "The Plane of Plasma" in the modern interpretation, Ríộk ná’Fáífá is a hostile plane where a never-ending lightning storm rains down upon plains of glass.   Ríộk ná’Fáífá itself is barren, with nothing living here naturally except for lightning elementals. Despite the harsh conditions though this plane is one of the most popular of all Ky’Ríộk Mộnê Mộ’Yáộsü for the never-ending supply of energy which can be harvested from within.   As such numerous safe-havens can be found in the eternal storm where various clans, sects, and species have set up bases to serve as collection zones for this inexhaustible resource.
Dimensional plane

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