Ríộk ná’Há Geographic Location in The Multiverse of Maha | World Anvil
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Ríộk ná’Há (/ri-ɔk/ /nə-hə/)

The Plane of Void

Amongst all Ky’Ríộk Mộnê Mộ’Yáộsü this plane stands unique as noticeably there, but was only detectable for the longest time because of the absence of literally anything else. Because of this, Ríộk ná’Há was known as "The Plane of Void" (among many others) traditionally and only gained its modern name, "The Plane of Anti-Matter", after several advanced organizations determined that the plane wasn't actually empty but full of something which cannot be seen or interacted with directly but which interacts with the rest of reality in a mysterious, yet undeniable, way.
Dimensional plane

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