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The Starlight Brigade

Current Members:


Vyssia Shran

The Captain of the Starlight Brigade and it's Gunner. Soft-spoken but hard-hitting, Shran has made clearly made it far by utilising a compassionate spirit and a mean right hook. In her measure of others, she's very charitable, as proven by her willingness to help out the party. Shran has the absolute loyalty of her team-mates and demonstrates a willing to help anyone less fortunate. Her grandfather was a member of the original Starlight Brigade and it is her citied reason for claiming the name.



The Starlight Brigade's Pilot and second-in-command. Soren is a man of few words and measured temperament. Indeed, it seems almost impossible to guess at his mood at all, which gives him a somewhat stand-offish and intimidating demeanor. He's a stickler for rules and protocol and seems somewhat distrustful, as he was quick to interrogate the party as to their intentions. Soren is a member of a species known as the Tzun'keti and is the only team member is possession of psyonic implants. He is currently pursuing a relationship with Jodah.


Jodah Osun'Voks Kahvahl

The Engineer of the Starlight Brigade. Jodah is an acquired taste: he is highly animated, talkative and somewhat abrupt, with a poor concept of personal space. He is however, very intelligent and open-minded, not once doubting the party's status as inter-planar travelers. He's friendly to the point of irritation and despite being pernickity, shies away from confrontation. Jodah is a cyborg, having lost both his arms in a Pulse Energy accident while was under the employ of PSICON. He hails from the desert region of Pryur Clain. Jodah is currently pursuing a relationship with Soren.


"Dr. Dee"

A brilliant but private Doctor who serves as the Starlight Brigade's manager. Dee seemingly has a rather personal stake in curing the virus currently running rampant around Exipote's cyborg population. Her opinion of Pharmadrien, PSICON's medical subsidiary is especially low, even vitriolic. Like Jodah, Dee is a cyborg, though her prosthetic leg is far more advanced than Jodah's prosthetic arms. She's operates a little bit on the caustic side and is loathe to talk about her personal life. She seems to care very much for the Team though and holds Shran in especially high regard.
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