Aciet (Ay-SHE-it)

“Oh, burn bright, young Aciet. Let us hope you don’t burn yourself out.”

If there was one race that could be called the most innovative, it would be the Aciets. Their innovations include the basics of crafting stone, mud, and clay into bricks for architecture, as well as essential weaponry. They tend to have a slender build, so their swords are light and agile. In the Overworld, they tend to live in or near the town of Raelent. This is a large collection of buildings made out of mud bricks, wood, and terracotta surrounding the grand Temple of Enduria. These Aciets primarily align with Ender Worship. In addition to their presence in the Overworld, the Aciets have established colonies in the Nether. There, they live in large bastions constructed out of blackstone. The Nether Colonies are more power-hungry than their Overworld counterparts, and they value gold for jewelry and weaponry. Being in the Nether, these Aciets tend to practice Nether Worship instead of Ender to make their time easier.  


The Aciets bear a strong resemblance to fantasy elves. They all have pointed ears, smaller noses compared to the Testificates, and generally slender body types, though this can vary. Unlike the Piglins and the Testificates, an Aciet can expect to have a full head of hair. Because they are thin, they tend to wield lighter weapons and have a more agile fighting style. Their skin tone can vary to anything a human's skin color can be, and there are no limitations to the colors of their eyes.   They tend to wear agile clothes for adventuring, only switching into armor if they expect to encounter combat on their journey. Their clothing is very colorful, and their armor can metal have trims on it. These trims are often different for each individual, the designs and materials reflecting the wearer's personality. The Aciets also are not against jewelry or tattoos, though these are more commonly found among their Nether counterparts.  

Relations with Other Races


The Aciets' relationship with the Testificates is mainly positive. So positive, in fact, that some Aciets choose to give up their adventurous lives for the community of a Testificate village. However, one sore spot in their relation is religion. The Aciets do not believe that the Goddess of the Plains exists, as Enduria has testified against her existence, and there is little proof in their eyes of the Goddess's existence.


The Aciets' relationship with the Piglins is overwhelmingly negative. Though personal relationships can be positive, the majority of Piglins hate all Aciets, and the majority of Nether Aciets see them as a cheap workforce. On top of this, the Overworld Aciets know little to nothing about the Piglins due to them not being able to survive very long in the Overworld's climate.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Naming Traditions for the Aciets are identical to real life humans'. A child is born with a Last Name, and their parents choose their First and Middle name.
  • Male Name Examples: Steven, Thomas, Lucas, Axel, Theodore, Iroh
  • Female Name Examples: Alice, Emily, Molly, Elizabeth, Cynthia
  • Gender Neutral Name Examples: Alex, Ace, Charlie, Blake, Avery


  • Aciet history is long and intertwined with that of the Testificates. They've always been peaceful and even helped each other throughout the years. It is commonly believed that the two share a common ancestor. Whether true or untrue, their history wouldn't be the same without their century-long alliance.
  • Enduria's battle was a prominent battle fought 500ya, when Enduria revealed herself to the Aciets through the mouth of a Watcher. She told them that for the following ten nights, they would need to wage war on the Hivemind Curse and drive them into the caves, never to return. In exchange, Enduria would be their patron forever on. This was followed by a bloody battle that took the lives of around 100 Aciets, but Enduria kept her word and patroned the race.
  • The colonization of the Nether happened 10ya, when the Aciets raided a nearby Brine campsite and discovered a portal there that led to the Nether. A powerful
  • Aciet named Nathaniel Parthron led the expedition into this new realm with a group of other colonists. Nathaniel build the Bastions to fend from the rough atmosphere and instated himself as the ruler of the Nether Colonies.
  • The accidental creation of the Piglin was much more recent. It occurred 3ya, when Nether Colonists decided to bring pigs into the Nether for a better and easier to kill source of food than the Hoglins that live there. However, the Aciets didn't expect that the radiation would be too much for a pig to handle, and quickly start mutating them. These became the first Piglins. Nathaniel saw this as an opportunity for a workforce, and sent them out as soon as they were created. This manifested a distaste for the Aciets in the Piglins, and the tension is growing to this day.

Playable Race

Eye Color: Any   Skin Color: Any Natural Hues   Clothing Style: Agile Leather or Cloth   Alignment: End/Nether


Lifetime: 100 years

Gameplay Abilities


RP Abilities

Quick Parry: An Aciet character has the ability to parry any non-magical melee attack. This has 3 charges. (Cooldown: 45 minutes)   Ambitious Slash: An Aciet character has the ability to perform a wide sweeping slash. Any enemy within a range of 3 blocks takes the damage of a normal slash and is knocked back 5 blocks. (Cooldown: 1 hour)  

More Racial Options



If there was one race that could be called the most innovative, it would be the Aciets. They bear a strong resemblance to fantasy elves. They all have pointed ears, smaller noses compared to the Testificates, and generally slender body types, though this can vary.



Natural Armor





Ability Name Description Range Cooldown
Quick Parry An Aciet character has the ability to parry any non-magical melee attack. This has 3 charges. N/A 45 mins
Ambitious Slash An Aciet character has the ability to perform a wide sweeping slash. All enemies within range takes the damage of a normal slash and is knocked back 5 blocks. 3 Blocks 1 hour

Gameplay Modifications