Testificate (test-IH-fih-kit)

"If peace is what you seek, perhaps you must earn it, hm?"

The Testificates are a peaceful collective of people commonly referred to as Villagers, a name based on their peaceful village-dwelling lives. They are predominantly recognized by their large, round noses, which often give their voices a nasal tone. It is normally very uncommon for a Testificate to set out on adventure, as they have a strong sense of community and are generally content staying where they are. They often construct Hivemind Constructs to maintain peace within their villages and primarily follow Plains Worship and their deity, the Goddess of the Plains, who they believe the Constructs to embody.  


The Testificates are most easily recognized by their facial structure. They have long heads, large and round noses, and tend to have unibrows more often than not. It is often that they are bald, but it is not uncommon to see a Testificate with hair. Their eyes can take on shades of green, brown, hazel, or even crimson, rarely. Crimson isn't exactly seen as evil or a negative trait in Testificate families, but is a trait passed on by their earliest ancestors.   Testificates' clothing style is largely dictated by their roles in society, and commonly bred from necessity more than style. For example, a Farmer's wardrobe includes a long coat to keep bugs from getting in the clothing underneath, and a straw hat to keep the sun out of their eyes, and a Butcher's wardrobe includes an apron over a work coat. Testificates will wear these clothes all day, only changing out of them at sunset when it's time to go home. When creating your Testificate's outfit, think about their role in society and what clothes they'd need for it.  

Relationship to Other Races


The Testificates and the Aciets have long had a peaceful history. The Testificates tend to think of the Aciets as harmless, but foolish, always striving for more instead of appreciating what they have. They are also not too fond of the Aciet's passive-aggressive comments about their Goddess. However, they still welcome the Aciets into their lives and villages.


The Piglins have yet to really make contact with the Testificates. They are cautiously welcoming of the bunch, but hardly ever see them in person. If a rare Testificate adventurer ever stumbled into the Nether and comes across the race, they can be expected to approach with curiousity.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Testificate naming traditions dictate that a child is only given a first name by their parents. They remain without a last name until they find a job, in which that title becomes their last name. If two Testificates get married, they may chose to combine their last names. [For example, Frank Fisher and Llana Smith become Frank Fisher-Smith and Llana Fisher-Smith]
  • Male Name Examples: Frank Fisher, Robin Smith, Jared Leatherworker, Robert Librarian
  • Female Name Examples: Llana Smith, Lucy Butcher, Martha Farmer, Amy Armorer
  • Gender Neutral Name Examples: Harper Cartographer, Riley Cleric, Madison Fletcher, Averill Mason


  • Testificates' history is more tame than the Aciet's. They haven't fought any wars for the time that they've been alive, and have seeked instead to be peaceful. However, these are some bullet points for historical moments or technologies in Testificate lore.
  • 200ya marked the start of Goddess of the Plains worship, and the creation of Constructs that exist to guard the villages. No longer did Hivemind sieges lay waste to multiple Testificates every week, now they had their own personal protectors.
  • The formal sovereignty of Trade Villages happened 50ya. These villages, because of religious and cultural differences, believed themselves to no longer be fit for the larger Testificate culture.

Playable Race

Eye Color: Green, Brown, or Red   Skin Color: Any Natural Hues   Clothing Style: Work-Dictated Uniforms   Alignment: Other


Lifetime: 70 years

Gameplay Abilities


RP Abilities

Disarming Strike: A Testificate character may use a disarm move on a target within 2 blocks. That target's weapon is then automatically thrown from their hand, and lands two blocks in a direction of the Testificate player's choosing. (Cooldown: 40 Minutes)   Tactical Retreat: Upon retreating from a battle, a Testificate character may always move one block further than the pursuer every turn. [Example: If the pursuer moves 5 blocks per turn, the Testificate character may chose to move 6 blocks per turn.] This ability is only actives while retreating and may not be used to chase another character.  

More Racial Options


The Testificates are a peaceful collective of people commonly referred to as Villagers, a name based on their peaceful village-dwelling lives. They are most easily recognized by their long heads, large and round noses, and unibrows.



Natural Armor





Ability Name Description Range Cooldown
Disarming Strike A Testificate character may use a disarming move on any target in range. That target's weapon is then automatically thrown from their hand, and lands 2 blocks in a direction of the Testificate player's choosing. 2 Blocks 40 mins
Tactical Retreat Upon retreating from a battle, a Testificate character may always move one block further than the pursuer every turn. This ability is only actives while retreating and may not be used to chase another character. N/A N/A

Gameplay Modifications