Dovi'rah Var Tuko

Dovi'rah Var Tuko



The religion of the Idomini, known as Dovi'rah Var Tuko, centers on the worship of Dovium, the God of Death, and the eternal king of Drathell, their dark realm. Dovi'rah Var Tuko is both a spiritual and practical guide for the Idomini, shaping their beliefs, governance, and purpose. This religion is focused on the divine balance of life and death, the manipulation of souls, and the eternal power struggle to maintain dominion over all realms. The Idomini believe that through serving Dovium, they can achieve ultimate power, immortality, and transcendence.  

Tenets of Dovi'rah Var Tuko


The Balance of Life and Death (Dovi’rah)

  Dovium's followers believe that death is not the end but a transformation—a passage through which all beings must pass. The Idomini, as agents of Dovium, are responsible for maintaining this balance. They are the gatekeepers between life and death, ensuring that the souls of the dead are either bound in service to Drathell or used to strengthen their realm. Death, under Dovium’s rule, is not to be feared but embraced as part of the natural cycle.

Soul Dominion (Var)

  The control of souls is central to the Idomini's religious and political power. They believe that souls are the purest form of energy, and Dovium has granted them dominion over the souls of both the living and the dead. Through rituals of Soulbinding, the Idomini can transform mortals into vampyres or enslave the souls of the damned to serve in the Dreadveil™. This power over souls is seen as Dovium’s greatest gift, and it is the highest honor to wield it responsibly.  

The Path of Seduction and Domination (Tuko)

  The Idomini believe that the act of seduction and transformation is not merely a carnal pursuit, but a divine ritual that mirrors Dovium’s own mastery over death. When an Idomini seduces and transforms a mortal into a vampyre, they are engaging in a holy act that strengthens both their personal power and their realm. The process of seduction—whether physical, mental, or spiritual—is seen as an art form, perfected through practice and passed down through generations.  

Devotion to Dovium

  Dovium is the center of the Idomini's faith. He is not only their ruler but the embodiment of death itself. They believe that by serving him, they are ensuring their own immortality and place within the eternal hierarchy of Drathell. The Idomini worship Dovium as the ultimate authority, and they strive to embody his ideals of strength, domination, and mastery over the forces of life and death.  

The Eternal Hierarchy

  In Dovi'rah Var Tuko, hierarchy is sacred. Dovium reigns supreme, followed by the high council of Idomoni, and then the male Idomini who serve as enforcers of his will. The structure of the religion mirrors this hierarchy, and it is considered sacrilege to defy the order established by Dovium. Every Idomini has a place in the cosmic order, and only through strict adherence to this hierarchy can the realm of Drathell thrive.  

Religious Practices and Rituals


Soulbinding Rituals

  The most sacred of all ceremonies in Dovi'rah Var Tuko is the Soulbinding Ritual, through which mortals are transformed into vampyres. This ritual involves a series of complex incantations, a carnal union, and the consumption of blood, all conducted in the presence of symbols sacred to Dovium. It is believed that in this moment, Dovium blesses the transformation, allowing the mortal soul to merge with the power of the Dreadveil™.  

The Harvest of Souls

  To maintain the balance of life and death, the Idomini conduct a sacred event known as the Harvest of Souls. In this ritual, they collect the souls of the recently deceased, offering them to Dovium. The souls are either absorbed into the power of Drathell or bound as servants. These rituals take place at twilight in the Shrines of Var, massive black stone altars dedicated to Dovium scattered across Drathell and some parts of Paraxia.  

Ascension of the Devoted

  The Idomini believe that through perfecting their mastery over death and souls, they can ascend to a higher state of existence. Every century, those who have proven their devotion to Dovium are granted the chance to undergo the Rite of Ascension, in which their physical forms may merge with the essence of Drathell, transforming them into beings of pure power and shadow. Only a select few ever achieve this honor.  

The Oath of Shadows

  Every young Idomini swears the Oath of Shadows upon reaching maturity, pledging their soul and service to Dovium. The oath is a solemn, lifelong commitment to serve in the eternal war between the forces of life and death. It is during this ritual that the Idomini are marked with their luminescent patterns of red or green, signifying their role within the realm of Drathell—either as warriors of conquest or masters of seduction and necromancy.  

Feast of Dovium

  A grand ceremony held once every decade, the Feast of Dovium is a celebration of the God of Death’s dominion over both life and the afterlife. During the feast, sacrifices are made to honor Dovium—mortals who have been captured and condemned are offered up, their souls harvested for the strength of Drathell. The Idomini engage in lavish displays of power, with blood rituals, dancing flames, and massive displays of elemental magic to honor their god.  

Places of Worship


The Obsidian Temple of Drathell

  The most sacred site for the followers of Dovi'rah Var Tuko is the Obsidian Temple, located in the heart of Drathell. It is here that Dovium himself is said to reside, and where the high council of Idomoni meets. The temple is an imposing structure of black stone and shadow, with flames that burn endlessly in its halls, fueled by the souls of the damned. Pilgrims come here to offer tribute to Dovium and to seek his blessing.  

Shrines of Var

  Scattered across Drathell and some parts of the Sunlands, the Shrines of Var are smaller temples dedicated to the collection and manipulation of souls. These shrines are places of ritual, where the Idomini conduct soulbinding ceremonies and harvest the energy of the dead. Each shrine is attended by a group of Idomoni priestesses who oversee the sacred rituals and ensure that Dovium’s will is carried out.  

Religious Hierarchy


Dovium – The God of Death

  Dovium is the supreme deity, and his word is absolute. He rules both the physical realm of Drathell and the spiritual realm of the dead. All Idomini serve Dovium and strive to embody his ideals of domination, control, and the mastery of life and death.  

High Council of Idomoni

  The Idomoni, female demon lords, serve as Dovium’s trusted advisors and the enforcers of his divine will. They oversee the religious and political structure of Drathell, maintaining balance and order. The high council has the authority to interpret Dovium’s commands and ensure that the realm remains loyal to its god.  

Idomini Lords

  Beneath the high council are the Idomini Lords, male demons who act as warriors, seducers, and soulbinders. They enforce Dovium’s rule across both Drathell and other realms, expanding his influence through the creation of vampyres and the domination of mortal souls.  

Priests and Priestesses of Var

  The lower clergy consists of priests and priestesses who serve in the Shrines of Var. They conduct daily rituals, oversee the Soulbinding process, and ensure that the shrines are properly maintained. The priesthood is highly respected and feared, as they are believed to communicate directly with Dovium.  


  Dovi'rah Var Tuko is not just a religion but a way of life for the Idomini. It shapes every aspect of their existence, from the soulbinding rituals they perform to their hierarchy and governance. Through their unwavering devotion to Dovium, the Idomini maintain their dominance over Drathell and seek to extend their influence over the mortal realms. The balance between life, death, and power is their guiding principle, and their belief in the eternal hierarchy ensures that they remain ever-loyal servants of their dark god.


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