How the War Between Lycans and Vampyres Began in the Mythrendar Galaxy™

The History and Dawn of The Lycan and Vampire In the World of Evernia   In the mystical third realm of Drathell, known by its ancient name as Cani es Infero, an alpha of unprecedented strength and wisdom emerged, distinguishing himself from all predecessors. This singular figure, known as Reanon the Red, rose to the daunting challenge of leadership, commanding respect and loyalty from his peers in a manner never before witnessed. His ascendancy marked a new era in the realm, where his unparalleled leadership qualities set new standards for what it meant to rule. Reanon stood unchallenged by all, his authority undisputed across the land, except by one formidable entity - the god of the dead himself, Dovium. The Hounds' Realm, a vast expanse of shadow and fear, claimed its place as the third-largest domain within the eerie bounds of the Dreadveil. It was outstripped only by the chilling expanse of Satgio di Anim, the Circle of Tortured Souls, where echoes of anguish resounded, and the imposing Consyilo di Daemoni, the sovereign territory governed by the Demon Council's iron will. However, it was in the foreboding Circula di Ludium, a place shrouded in both mystery and dread, that Reanon the Red would encounter a foe worthy of his mettle. Here, in this ancient arena, he would engage in a clash so monumental that it would forever alter the course of his existence, marking a pivotal turn in the saga of the Dreadveil.    

Drathell 1154 A.E.C.- Cani es Infero

  Reanon, in a bond meant to transcend the ages, had chosen Losoftra as his eternal mate. She, like him, hailed from the illustrious Red Horn lineage of Drathellian Hounds. The ancient scrolls of prophecy, revered texts of foretelling, declared her the paragon of beauty, unmatched by any born before or since within their storied breed. Her elegance and grace were the subjects of legend, making her a fitting partner for Reanon.   This distinguished creature consistently praised her mate, always encouraging him to partake in the Sago Doija festival, a grand event celebrated once every century. Through her eyes, Reanon was seen not just as the leader he was, but as one destined for even greater heights. She believed fervently that he could ascend beyond the impressive rank he had already achieved, inspiring him with her unwavering support and vision of his potential for unparalleled greatness.   The victor of the Sago Doija festival ascended to the esteemed position of Grand Master of Drathell, occupying a station of power second only to Dovium. Whether demon, hound, or tormented soul, the champion would wield unparalleled authority, reigning supreme beside the deity of demise for the duration of their title's retention. This elevation in status promised a seismic shift in the hierarchical order: no longer would the hounds lurk in the demons' shadows. Instead, they would rise to dominate, assuming mastery over those who once deemed themselves superior. This change heralded a new era, one where the balance of power would be irrevocably altered in favor of the hounds, reshaping the fabric of thier realm.   After three centuries of persistent entreaties, Reanon finally succumbed to his mate's heartfelt pleas, consenting to participate in the fabled games. For more than a thousand years, a demon by the name of Xyphor had held the esteemed title of Dar Venium, the Champion of Drathell. This undefeated master had not only grown immense in stature but had also indulged in the riches of the realm, taking numerous wives and basking in the belief that his supremacy at the apex of the hierarchy was unassailable.   Numerous contenders, daunted by the prospect of their own destruction, never dared to challenge his reign, prioritizing their immortality over the fleeting allure of glory. For them, the potential triumph did not justify the risk of eternal oblivion. Xyphor, in his battles, always fought to the death, ensuring that those he defeated would never rise to challenge his dominion again, solidifying his terrifying legacy as an invincible tyrant whose opponents were granted no second chances.   Fate, in its infinite complexity, began to weave a new and majestic tale, one drenched in the blood and gore of a legendary conflict between demon and hound. As the first rays of dawn marked the commencement of his five-thousandth year, Reanon emerged during the sacred rites of the Doija festival. With a heart steeled by centuries and a spirit ignited by the fires of destiny, he boldly proclaimed his intention to challenge Xyphor. This audacious declaration set the stage for a battle of mythic proportions, a clash destined to be immortalized in the echoes of eternity.   As the clash commenced, Losoftra stood on the sidelines, her gaze fixed on the unfolding drama with intense anticipation, her breath caught in the suspense of the moment. She was acutely aware that the day's events held only two possible outcomes: either Reanon would emerge victorious, ascending to the revered status of champion, or she would be condemned to spend her eternity in solitude, should he succumb to defeat. The stakes were monumental, not just for Reanon's fate, but for the very course of her own existence.   As the titanic battle raged, the air became a tempest of carnage, with blood, fur, and scales descending like a macabre rainfall. Xyphor, in a display of fearsome might, had seized Reanon, soaring into the air with him clutched in his grasp, his talons mercilessly carving through flesh and bone. Despite the agony, Reanon's resilience shone through. With unwavering focus and a heart undeterred by pain, he managed to turn the tide of their aerial duel, driving one of his formidable horns deep into Xyphor's neck.   The demon's cry of agony pierced the air, a haunting echo that had lain dormant for over a thousand years, as the sting of pain, long forgotten, wracked his form. In this critical moment, Reanon exploited his foe's sudden weakness, baring his formidable jaws and striking with the ferocity of a beast unleashed. He fastened his teeth onto the demon's face with savage force. With lethal accuracy, he delivered a venom so virulent it devoured flesh as if it were tinder to flame, its caustic wrath indifferent to the nature of its victim, ravaging through sinew and skin with the merciless efficiency of acid, leaving only destruction in its wake.   The assembled spectators and their divine overseer were held captive by a mix of awe and disbelief. The tide of battle had turned, defying the expectations of those who had wagered their fortunes on Xyphor's invincibility. Conventional wisdom had anticipated a lopsided contest, yet Reanon shattered such predictions with his formidable prowess. Amidst the sea of onlookers, his mate moved with stealth, her gaze sharp and calculating, observing every move with the precision of a huntress. Within her, excitement surged like a storm, electrifying her being with each moment that unfolded.   Overwhelmed by the excruciating agony of his flesh dissolving, Xyphor's grasp faltered, and the combatants plummeted to the earth. Reanon, embodying the nimbleness of a predatory cat, was quick to regain his footing, his fangs gleaming menacingly as he faced the now debilitated demon. With a surge of ferocity, he lunged, sinking his teeth into the left wing of his adversary. He thrashed with brute force, a wild tempest embodied, until the wing tore away, leaving it to dangle triumphantly in his maw—a macabre trophy. Blood cascaded in a grim spectacle, weeping from the ragged wound left in its wake, marking a moment of savage victory. The throng surged forward, their fists thundering against the brimstone stands in a unified cry for retribution against the demon who had tyrannized them. "Death! Kill him! Sever his head!" their voices clamored, a tumultuous demand for the ultimate vengeance. Yet, within Reanon's chest beat a heart of greater nobility than one inclined towards cold-blooded execution. He sought a justice far more profound than mere death; he desired for Xyphor to experience the humility of submission, to serve those he had once dominantly oppressed. In a moment that hushed the frenzied clamors to a sudden silence, Reanon extended the opportunity for surrender, allowing Xyphor a chance to plead for mercy. This act of magnanimity not only underscored Reanon's honor but reshaped the very essence of victory and power in the eyes of all who witnessed.   Xyphor, in a display of unprecedented submission, bowed before the hound, formally surrendering his crown and thus his reign as Dar Venium. With a solemn gesture, he placed the symbol of power upon Reanon, who now assumed the revered title. The crowd erupted in jubilation, fully comprehending the magnitude of this power shift. Their elation was not just for the victory but for the realization that they could now direct their pent-up rage towards Xyphor without fear of reprisal. The once formidable demon, now diminished and scarred beyond recovery, was left a shadow of his former self, incapable of reclaiming his dominion or posing a challenge in future contests. This moment marked not just a change in leadership but a profound transformation in the dynamics of power and retribution within their realm. Yet, even the most prestigious of titles could not shield its bearer from the covetous stares and simmering resentments of the vanquished. Xyphor, despite his fall from grace, commanded a formidable legion of loyalty; thousands of demons, now feeling their own statuses diminished by their leader's defeat, rallied behind him. This vast assembly, united by their bruised egos and shared downfall, meticulously crafted a nefarious scheme. Their target was not Reanon himself, whose prowess in battle was undisputed, but rather his mate. In targeting her, they aimed to strike at Reanon's heart, exploiting a vulnerability no armor could protect against, setting the stage for a conflict that transcended physical prowess and ventured into the realm of psychological warfare.   Merely three evenings after the triumphal festivities, in a deed as vile as it was cowardly, Xyphor and his minions enacted their sinister plot. They abducted Losoftra, executing her in a manner most brutal and heartless. Their cruelty did not end with her murder; in a grotesque display of malice, they flayed her, turning her pelt inside out and subjecting her to an unspeakable fate upon a spit. Returning home from his responsibilities as the newly crowned Dar Venium, Reanon was met with a scene of unimaginable horror: the love of his life, the beacon of his existence, desecrated and suspended from the rafters of their sanctuary. This act of barbarity was not just a personal assault on Reanon but a declaration of war, challenging the very foundations of his new reign.   He allowed himself a moment to mourn, feeling as though his very heart had been excised from his being. Any remnants of compassion that once resided within him evaporated in an instant; now, only a resolute determination for vengeance remained. As he beheld the grim fate of his beloved, his gaze fixated on the desecration of her most distinguished and majestic trait—her horns, cruelly severed. This violation, this final indignity, catalyzed his resolve. With a grim set to his jaw and a storm of retribution brewing in his heart, he transcended the boundaries of the Hounds' Realm, making his way into the heart of the Consyilo di Daemoni. Upon hearing the tragic news, the hounds, now freed from the yoke of demonic tyranny, rallied in unison behind Reanon. With a newfound resolve, they besieged the stronghold of Consyilo di Daemoni. As they breached its gates, they found Xyphor arrogantly seated upon his throne, surrounded by his subordinates and consorts. Reanon, with a voice that cut through the silence like a blade, declared, "You vile creature, your head will be mine! My mercy in the arena was a mistake I shall not repeat."   It was at this moment, his eyes alight with a righteous fury, noticed an abomination—Losoftra's horns, her regal and unique adornments, had been fashioned into a grotesque crown, now adorning the brow of Xyphor's favored consort. She stood beside him, tending to his injuries with a perverse devotion, oblivious to the storm of retribution about to descend upon them. This sight fueled Reanon's wrath, transforming his grief into an unstoppable force of vengeance.   In a mere heartbeat, the tide turned tumultuous. Reanon, with the swiftness of vengeance itself, surged up the throne's steps, his followers clashing ferociously with the demonic ranks. He issued a grim command, decreeing that Xyphor's consorts face the same fate as his cherished mate. The hounds subdued Xyphor, pinning him beneath their weight, as Reanon, with a single, decisive motion, struck the grotesque crown from the consort's head. What followed was a display of raw, unbridled fury; Reanon unleashed a maelstrom of wrath upon her. He dismantled her, piece by piece, with a primal ferocity that shattered bone and flesh, leaving her to a fate drawn out in excruciating terror until her final, fleeting glimpse was engulfed by the dark maw of her vanquisher.   As Xyphor's followers beheld the wrath unleashed upon their mistress, they laid down their arms in surrender, but Reanon, tempered by betrayal and loss, was not to be swayed by mercy this time. Embracing the harsh decree of retribution over forgiveness, he enacted a swift and brutal justice. Each demon met their end under the relentless edge of retribution, their remains a grim feast for his loyal pack.   As for Xyphor, his fate was to be a spectacle of vengeance unparalleled. Reanon dragged him across the realms to the dreaded seventh domain of the Dreadveil, Homisedo atun Innoxos. This was the abyss where murderers of the innocent were condemned, their souls subjected to an unending cycle of torment. Here, amidst the echoes of eternal suffering, Reanon left Xyphor to a fate far worse than death: an infinity of pain and remorse for the blood on his hands. With a single, decisive sweep, Reanon cleaved Xyphor’s head from his shoulders, banishing his soul to the merciless, swirling vortex of acid that yawned beneath them. In this act of swift justice, the spirit of his mate found its vengeance, her memory forever enshrined in the annihilation of her adversary.  

Drathell 1155 A.E.C.- Circulum atun Domini

  The tragic loss of his life mate plunged Reanon into a chasm of despair, rendering the very essence of existence intolerable. In his anguish, he approached Dovium, intent on abdicating his revered position as Dar Venium. Reanon, overwhelmed by grief, was prepared to transfer his crown to anyone who desired it, without any demand for contest or challenge. However, Dovium, with the wisdom borne of his position, elucidated that the title of Dar Venium was steeped in tradition and honor, a mantle that could only be transferred through the solemn and ancient rite of bloodshed. It was not merely a crown to be passed on lightly or relinquished without the gravitas of combat. This revelation underscored the profound weight of the title and the immutable customs that governed their way of life.   Reanon, steadfast in his dignity, refused to succumb to the ignominy of pleading. He resolved that if the burden of the crown was his to bear, it would be but a temporal mantle, one he would relinquish after ninety-nine years. At the forthcoming festival, he harbored the unwavering intent to sever his ties with the realm, leaving behind the echoes of his legacy to embrace the solemn march led by death itself.   However, Dovium, with a tone laced with disapproval, invoked the specter of Reanon's past deeds, deeds marked not just by valor but by the shadow of darkness. He recounted how Reanon, in his tempest of fury, had transgressed against the very essence of creation itself, defying the maker of the Dreadveil. Reanon's legacy was stained by the blood of countless innocents, souls taken without sanction or remorse. Dovium's words served as a stark reminder of the complex tapestry of honor and infamy that Reanon's actions had woven, highlighting the indelible marks left upon the fabric of their world.   The intricate equilibrium of Drathell's daily existence had been thrown into disarray. Souls that were once meticulously tormented now lingered in neglect, and the terrama of Evernia, unmoored, roamed the blasted landscapes without purpose. The fallout from this imbalance was profound, setting the stage for a millennium-long interregnum. It would take over a thousand years for a new generation of demons to mature and rise, capable of filling the void left by the fallen and restoring the meticulous order of suffering and dominion that once defined Drathell. This era of transition plunged the realms into a period of uncertainty, where the fabric of their existence teetered on the edge of chaos, awaiting the emergence of those destined to weave it anew.   In a cruel twist that further shattered Reanon's already fragile soul, Dovium took a draconian measure by enslaving the hounds who had stood by Reanon during his audacious assault on Xyphor. These noble creatures, once fierce and free, were now stripped of everything they held dear: their packs, their offspring, and their mates. This ruthless decision was made in a desperate attempt to compensate for the significant void left by the demons who had recently perished. The hounds, once allies in battle, were reduced to mere pawns, forced to endure a life devoid of the bonds and freedoms that were their birthright, all in the name of necessity and survival within their beleaguered realm.   When Reanon unveiled the grim reality to his allies, their initial reaction was one of unbridled fury, igniting tumultuous skirmishes within their own ranks. In the face of this chaos, Reanon intervened with commanding authority, compelling them to quell their rage and heed his directive. He revealed a strategic plan, meticulously designed to subjugate the demons and ensure their torment. Reanon vowed that as long as Dovium persisted in the enslavement of their kin, peace would remain an elusive dream for the demons. The once sovereign bonds between the hounds and their oppressors would now be marred by relentless conflict, a testament to their unbreakable will and unyielding resolve to reclaim autonomy and justice.   With each sunrise, the horizon of Drathell was stained with the crimson hue of conflict, and as night fell, death's shadow loomed large. The casualties mounted to such an extent that the very fabric of the realms began to wither under their overwhelming weight. The rapid succession of demise outpaced the natural expansion and regeneration of the realms, leading to a decay that threatened the balance of existence itself. After enduring three relentless years of skirmishes that yielded staggering losses on both fronts, Dovium made a decisive move. In a bid to rid Drathell of the relentless strife, he exiled Reanon along with his formidable legion of 4,867 hounds. Casting them to the verdant yet alien landscapes of Evernia. This expulsion served not only as a punitive measure but also as a grim solution to the relentless conflict. Those who chose not to align with Reanon were granted permission to remain, tasked with the Herculean effort of mending the profound scars left on Drathell's once formidable essence.   Yet, the demons who remained, steadfast in their loyalty to Xyphor, pledged to sow desolation across Evernia, ensuring that Reanon and his cohort of exiled warriors found no sanctuary on its grounds. For ages, the embattled factions clashed on the terrestrial battlegrounds, painting Evernia with the echoes of their enduring strife, until the celestial guardians of Hailotia intervened. In a monumental decree, they proclaimed that neither faction would defile the sacred soils they had nurtured with their bloodlust, warning that further conflict would incur the ire of Plexious, the god of time and Dovium's sibling. Plexious, harboring a personal vendetta for the loss of his daughter to the malevolence of his brother and the demonic legions, had since been on a relentless quest for her, her fate shrouded in the enigmas of the cosmos. This divine intervention marked a crucial turning point, binding both sides under the threat of celestial retribution, with the shadow of Plexious' wrath looming over, should they dare defy the sacred edict.   Faced with the immutable decree of the Hailotian gods, the ceaseless clash between Reanon's exiles and Xyphor's loyalists was abruptly halted, compelling both factions to devise alternative strategies for their conflict. Reanon, with a tactical mind, assessed the potential of Evernia's inhabitants. He recognized that the mortals, with their rapid reproductive rate, presented a strategic advantage vastly different from the immortals' slower pace. This demographic shift offered a novel approach to tipping the scales of the conflict in their favor, all while circumventing the divine edict that loomed over them from the celestial realms.   Among Reanon's forces, nearly two thousand hounds possessed a venom of extraordinary properties; a single bite from these creatures could elevate a mortal to immortality. This transformative venom granted the bitten the ability to shapeshift, mirroring the form of their immortal benefactors. This revelation opened a new chapter in their struggle, enabling Reanon to bolster his ranks with newly minted immortals. These beings, now capable of shifting their form at will, became invaluable assets in a war that had to evolve beyond the conventional.   Lacking the ingenuity of their adversaries, the demons also turned their sights towards the terrama of Evernia, seeking to harness their potential in the ongoing struggle. Although devoid of the transformative venom that characterized Reanon’s hounds, the demons wielded a different form of power: their blood. This substance, once it graced the palate of a mortal, transformed into an addictive elixir, binding the mortal with an insatiable craving. The addictive potency of the demon blood was such that separation from it for more than three days spelled immediate and certain death for the afflicted. This sinister tactic created a dependency that the demons exploited, a dark mirror to the empowerment strategy employed by Reanon and his legion, illustrating the contrasting paths each faction adopted in their quest for supremacy.   In this escalating arms race, both factions amassed their legions, with the demons commanding their newly created vampires, termed the Katima di Nalvir, while the hounds rallied their lycans, known as the Katima di Malsvir. This transformation of the battlefield into a living chessboard meant that no longer would the original belligerents—the hounds or the demons—need to lay down their lives for their cause. Instead, their newly minted minions, brimming with loyalty and ferocity, would bear the brunt of the conflict. Evernia, once a realm of untold beauty and diversity, was now a scarred battlefield, its skies darkened by the wings of war.   The relentless warfare eventually elicited a celestial intervention of cataclysmic proportions. The gods of Hailotia, in a desperate bid to quell the unending chaos, cast down an asteroid from the heavens with such force that it shattered the once unified continent of Patogea into seven fragmented lands. This divine act of destruction was a stern rebuke to the warring factions, a dramatic reshaping of the world that underscored the gods' intolerance for the bloodshed that had overrun their creation.


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