Idominic Blood Magic

Idominic Blood Magic

  Overview: Idominic Blood Magic is a dark and powerful form of arcane sorcery derived from forging blood pacts with demonic entities known as the Idomini and Idomoni. The Idomini are ancient and malevolent beings, residing in the Dreadveil, a twisted dimension of chaos and torment. To wield Idominic Blood Magic, practitioners, called Pactbearers, sacrifice their blood to summon and bind these demons to their will.  

The more blood a Pactbearer offers, the stronger their demonic powers become, but at the cost of their humanity.

  Idominic Blood Magic is a dangerous and forbidden art, feared and reviled by most, but sought by those desperate for power beyond mortal limits. The Idomini, in turn, use these pacts to gain influence in the mortal realm, subtly corrupting those who summon them and feeding on the despair and suffering they create.  

Core Principles of Idominic Blood Magic:

The Blood Pact:

  At the heart of Idominic Blood Magic is the Blood Pact, a ritual in which the Pactbearer offers their own blood to summon an Idomini. In exchange, the Idomini grants the caster access to demonic magic and abilities, but this bond is reciprocal— the Idomini gains a foothold in the Pactbearer’s soul, gradually corrupting their mind and body.  

The Price of Power:

  Power in Idominic Blood Magic comes at a cost. The more powerful the spells and abilities a Pactbearer invokes, the more of their own blood they must offer. Additionally, each spell draws the caster closer to the Idomini, risking possession, madness, or worse—a complete transformation into a demonic entity themselves.  

Idomini Hierarchy:

  The Idomini have a strict hierarchy, from lesser demons to arch-demons. A Pactbearer can summon stronger and more dangerous Idomini as their mastery of blood magic grows, but higher-tier demons demand steeper sacrifices and often exert greater influence over the caster's soul.  

Types of Idominic Blood Magic:

  Each type of blood magic corresponds to different kinds of pacts, reflecting the nature of the Idomini invoked. The abilities range from dark manipulation of life force to terrifying demonic enhancements, depending on which type of demon the Pactbearer bonds with.  

Sanguis Pact (Blood Demons)

  Magic Type: Hemomancy (Blood Manipulation)   Pactbearers who bond with blood demons gain control over blood, both their own and others. Their magic is visceral, brutal, and immensely dangerous.   Blood Lash: Manipulate the caster’s blood to form weaponized whips, tendrils, or projectiles that slice through enemies.   Sanguine Resurrection: Drain the life from another being to heal oneself or resurrect a recently fallen ally.   Hemorrhagic Pulse: Cause enemies’ blood to boil or explode within their bodies, leading to violent, internal destruction.  

Cost: Excessive use can cause the Pactbearer’s blood to thin, leading to exhaustion, anemia, or even death. Prolonged use can also turn the caster into a vampiric being, forever thirsting for blood.


Malefic Pact (Shadow Demons)

  Magic Type: Umbramancy (Shadow and Soul Manipulation)   Pactbearers who call upon shadow demons gain control over darkness and the very essence of the soul. Their magic is subtle but insidious.   Soul Drain: Leech away the soul energy of an opponent to empower the caster, weakening the victim or turning them into a soulless husk.   Shadow Meld: Step into the shadows, becoming invisible or intangible, allowing for stealth, escape, or surprise attacks.   Eclipsing Horror: Invoke a demonic aura of pure terror that paralyzes foes with fear, allowing the caster to manipulate their emotions or control them like puppets.  

Cost: The more the caster draws on shadow magic, the closer they come to losing their own soul, becoming nothing more than a vessel for the demon's will.

  Infernal Pact (Fire and Destruction Demons) Magic Type: Pyromancy and Destruction Magic   Pactbearers aligned with infernal demons wield the raw, chaotic forces of fire and destruction. Their power is overwhelming but extremely difficult to control.   Hellfire Torrent: Summon a cascade of unholy fire that burns hotter than mortal flames, incinerating everything in its path.   Destruction Surge: Channel destructive energy into a violent explosion, obliterating structures or enemies with raw, unchecked force.   Infernal Body: Coat the caster’s body in flames, allowing them to become a living inferno capable of incinerating anything they touch.  

Cost: Overuse causes severe physical damage to the caster’s body, with burns and scars becoming permanent. At its worst, the Pactbearer may combust entirely, consumed by their own demonic fire.


Abyssal Pact (Void Demons)

Magic Type: Void Magic (Reality and Space Manipulation)   Pactbearers who align with void demons gain control over the boundaries of reality, able to warp space, time, and existence itself.   Void Rift: Tear open rifts in reality, allowing the caster to teleport or summon void energies that consume anything they touch.   Reality Shatter: Break the fabric of reality in a targeted area, causing localized chaos where time, gravity, and matter distort unpredictably.   Eternal Gaze: Temporarily see beyond mortal comprehension, glimpsing past and future events, or identifying hidden truths and weaknesses.  

Cost: Prolonged exposure to void magic erodes the caster’s perception of reality, leading to madness, delusion, and eventual dissociation from the physical world.


Carnifex Pact (War Demons)

Magic Type: Martial and Enhancement Magic   Pactbearers who ally with war demons become living weapons, capable of enhancing their bodies and minds with demonic strength and fury.   Demonic Augmentation: Temporarily enhance the caster’s physical attributes—strength, speed, agility—beyond mortal limits.   Blood Frenzy: Enter a berserk state, fueled by demonic rage, where the Pactbearer’s attacks become unstoppable, but they lose control over their actions.   Hellblade Summon: Manifest a demonic weapon, such as a sword or axe, forged from the caster’s own blood and the demon’s essence.  

Cost: Overuse can transform the caster into a mindless beast, driven only by bloodlust. Repeated use leads to permanent, uncontrollable aggression and warlike tendencies.


Pact Mechanics:

Blood Offering:

To invoke any demonic power, a Pactbearer must offer their blood. This is often done through self-inflicted wounds, blood sigils, or bloodletting rituals. The more blood offered, the more powerful the spell, but the caster also becomes weaker and more susceptible to demonic influence.  

Demonic Influence:

Every time a Pactbearer calls upon an Idomini, they allow that demon a foothold in their mind. With each spell cast, the demon’s presence grows, and their whispers become more potent. If a Pactbearer is not careful, they can lose control, becoming a puppet or vessel for the Idomini they have bonded with.  

Demonic Possession:

If a Pactbearer uses too much power or fails to properly control their demon, full demonic possession may occur. In this state, the caster’s soul is consumed, and the Idomini takes control of their body, using it as a conduit to wreak havoc in the mortal realm.  

Breaking a Pact:

Breaking a blood pact with an Idomini is nearly impossible. The stronger the pact, the harder it is to sever the connection. Only the most powerful of rituals, or a direct intervention from another Idomini, can break the bond without dire consequences, such as soul disintegration or death.  

The Society of Pactbearers:

Pactbearers often operate in secret, forming covens, cults, or shadowy societies that worship or manipulate the Idomini. Some Pactbearers are mercenaries, hired for their destructive power, while others are devoted servants of the demonic forces they summon. The Idomini, in return, use these covens to spread their influence, corrupting the world from the shadows.   Anyone with even the slightest trace of magical ability can forge a pact with an Idomini, as the demons of the Shadowrealm are always eager to make deals, especially with those vulnerable to their influence. However, the less magical power a person possesses, the more dangerous this pact becomes. Novices with weak magic are easily overwhelmed by the demands of the Idomini, often falling victim to mental corruption or physical degradation as the demon's influence seeps into their very being. On the other hand, individuals with greater magical prowess have the strength to better control the demon's power and mitigate the risks of possession or madness. While even powerful magicians must tread carefully, their innate abilities act as a buffer, allowing them to maintain dominance over their demonic counterpart and siphon greater amounts of power without succumbing to the darker aspects of the pact.   Learning to master Idominic Blood Magic can be achieved at the prestigious Moon Elder's Guard, a school for those willing to delve into the dangerous art of making pacts with the Idomini. At this institution, students are taught how to carefully navigate the terms of their demonic agreements and harness the power of the Shadowrealm without losing themselves to the demons they summon. However, the risks are ever-present—students must constantly balance the lure of immense power with the threat of corruption, as even one misstep can lead to the demon overtaking their mind and body. The benefits, though, are extraordinary: Pactbearers can gain access to abilities far beyond mortal magic, from controlling blood and shadows to manipulating time and space. Graduates of Moon Elder's Guard often emerge with vast magical prowess, but the toll on their humanity remains a haunting reminder of the dangerous path they walk.
Education, Magic


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