Laws of the Empire of Paraxia™


Loyalty to the Crown Act

Description: All members must pledge unwavering loyalty to the reigning monarch of Paraxia and uphold the laws and traditions of the realm.   Punishment: Any act of treason or betrayal against the Crown will result in immediate banishment and permanent exclusion from the community. (A trip to the dungeon or beheading. It depends on the council and the final say of the Monarch)  

Silence of Shadows Act

Description: Members are strictly forbidden from communicating with or discussing banned members. Those who have been exiled by the council are considered non-existent. Punishment: Violations will lead to suspension or a warning for first-time offenders, with repeated infractions resulting in banishment.  

Council’s Commandment

Description: The council of Paraxia decisions are final and must be respected. All members must adhere to the council's rulings without question.   Punishment: Ignoring or defying council rulings will result in immediate disciplinary action.  

Respect of the Hierarchy

Description: Members must respect the established hierarchy within the community, acknowledging the authority of higher-ranking members and following their directives.   Punishment: Disrespecting hierarchy will result in warnings, demotion, or expulsion from the community.  

Secrecy of Paraxia

Description: The secrets of Paraxia and its inner workings must not be shared with outsiders or other communities. Information is to be guarded with the utmost care. Punishment: Leaking confidential information will lead to a permanent ban and potential blacklisting in associated communities.  

The Pact of Blood

Description: Roleplay involving the creation of vampyres must follow the lore established by the community, including the soulbinding ritual with the Idomini. Punishment: Failure to adhere to the established lore will result in the invalidation of the roleplay session and potential character penalties.  

The Law of Shadows

Description: All members must maintain an active presence within the community, participating in events, roleplays, and discussions regularly. Punishment: Inactivity for extended periods without notice may result in demotion or removal from the community roster.  

Tithes to the Realm

Description: Members are encouraged to contribute creatively to the community, whether through art, storylines, or hosting events, to enrich the Paraxia experience. Punishment: There is no punishment, but regular contributors may receive recognition or rewards.  

The Covenant of Respect

Description: All interactions must be conducted with respect and courtesy, free from harassment, discrimination, or toxic behavior.   Punishment: Offenders will face warnings, temporary suspension, or a permanent ban depending on the severity of their actions.  

Forge of Alliances

Description: Alliances and rivalries between members must be roleplay-centric and not affect real-life relationships or community harmony.   Punishment: Personal conflicts spilling over into the community may lead to mediation by the council or potential disciplinary action.  

The Law of Ascension

Description: Members seeking to ascend in rank must demonstrate dedication, creativity, and loyalty, as determined by the council's guidelines. Punishment: Attempts to undermine or circumvent the ranking process will result in disqualification from rank advancements.  

Banishing the Fallen

Description: Those who have been deemed unworthy or disruptive are to be exiled and ignored, preserving the community's integrity.   Punishment: Banned individuals attempting to rejoin will be denied entry and reported if necessary.  

Soulbound Accord

Description: The bond between an Idomini and their soulbound must be honored and respected by other members, acknowledging their unique connection.   Punishment: Interference with a soulbound pair will result in community mediation and possible disciplinary action.  

Sanctity of the Council

Description: The Idomoni on the high council are to be treated with reverence, acknowledging their wisdom and contributions to Paraxia.   Punishment: Disrespect towards council members will result in immediate correction and potential removal from prestigious roles.


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