Paraxia 50 Years into the Past

50-Year History of Paraxia and the Rise of Empress Mahlevola


The Paraxian Exodus (Year 1-5)

Fifty years ago, the continent of Aganoestra was a place of decay, darkness, and the ever-present threat of the Plague of Mal’kor. For the Paraxians, a bold and visionary couple, their homeland had become uninhabitable. Elareth and Nehara Paraxia, leaders among their people, forged a daring alliance with two powerful forces: the Idomini, a race of demons from the dark realms who were driven by a desire for survival, and Dovium, the God of Death, whose intervention allowed them to safely navigate the dangerous journey across the Shadow Sea to the Sunlands.   The Idomini, though feared for their demonic nature, were exceptional warriors and tacticians. They sought to escape Aganoestra’s ruin, seeking a new land where they could thrive. Dovium, long misunderstood as a harbinger of doom, sought balance in life and death, and saw in the Paraxians a chance to bring new order to the dying world. With Dovium’s divine guidance and the might of the Idomini, the Paraxians made their way to the Sunlands, a land far from the cursed shores of Aganoestra.   Upon arrival, the Paraxians and their allies set foot on the continent of Ah'noxia and began building the foundation of a new kingdom—Paraxia. It was a land where demons, mortals, and the divine influence of Dovium would come together in an uneasy yet powerful alliance.   The Building of Paraxia and the Rise of General Creddini (Year 6-20) For the next two decades, Elareth and Nehara led the construction of Paraxia, transforming the once-wild lands of Ah’noxia into a thriving settlement. Their alliance with the Idomini, despite initial mistrust, blossomed into a mutually beneficial partnership. The Idomini were key to securing Paraxia’s defenses, their demonic strength and strategic minds crucial to protecting the fledgling kingdom from external threats.   A pivotal figure during this time was General Harlin Creddini, a brilliant terramian military strategist and diplomat who served as the Paraxians’ ambassador to the Idomini. General Creddini’s leadership and skill in negotiation helped maintain the delicate balance between the Paraxians and their demon allies. His tactical acumen was respected by the Idomini warlords, and his efforts ensured that the alliance held strong in the face of opposition both within and outside their borders.   Harlin Creddini’s daughter, Labetha, grew up alongside the Paraxians’ daughter, Mahlevola. The two became inseparable, raised together in the halls of Paraxia’s grand keep. Both were trained from an early age in the arts of leadership, diplomacy, and war. Their shared upbringing would later prove essential as the kingdom faced unforeseen tragedies.  

Tragedy and Transition (Year 21-25)

By Year 21, Paraxia had become a beacon of hope in Ah’noxia, a kingdom that stood as a testament to the strength of unity between vastly different peoples. The Dovium cult, a small but influential sect within the kingdom, honored the God of Death, believing that through his blessings, Paraxia had been spared from the plagues and curses of Aganoestra. Meanwhile, the Idomini stood as Paraxia’s formidable military arm, ensuring the borders were secure.   However, disaster struck when a fatal illness swept through Paraxia, killing many of its leaders. Both Elareth and Nehara Paraxia succumbed to the sickness, leaving their daughter, Mahlevola, to ascend to the throne at the age of 17. To make matters worse, General Harlin Creddini, who had long been the kingdom’s key diplomat with the Idomini, also died from the illness, leaving a significant power vacuum.   With the death of her parents, Mahlevola found herself thrust into leadership far earlier than expected. But she was not alone—Labetha Creddini, now orphaned by the same plague, stood beside her as a close ally and advisor. Together, Mahlevola and Labetha worked to stabilize the kingdom, leaning heavily on the wisdom and traditions passed down to them. The two women were bound by shared loss but also by their commitment to preserving the vision of Paraxia.  

The Reign of Empress Mahlevola and the Expansion of Paraxia (Year 26-40)

Mahlevola's leadership was tested as Paraxia struggled to recover from the loss of its founders and key figures. Despite her youth, Mahlevola proved to be a capable and determined ruler. She and Labetha took on the roles of leadership with unparalleled focus, continuing the work of their parents and General Creddini. Dragon-taming, one of the ancient arts that the Paraxians had brought with them from Aganoestra, became a symbol of their strength and a key tool for defense.   Under Mahlevola’s rule, Paraxia opened its borders to more than just humans, Idomini, and followers of Dovium. She welcomed peoples from all over Ah’noxia and beyond. Drow, long exiled from their subterranean homes, found sanctuary in Paraxia. Elves, who had once seen the demonic Idomini as mortal enemies, began to view Paraxia as a land of opportunity. Even the Elementals, mysterious beings made of the raw elements, came to Paraxia seeking refuge and a place where their powers could be respected rather than feared.   Many in the Sunlands—particularly in the neighboring kingdoms—had doubted the possibility of such unity, but Mahlevola proved them wrong. Through careful diplomacy, the support of her ally Labetha, and the continued presence of the Idomini as a formidable military force, Paraxia thrived. Dovium’s influence quietly persisted, ensuring that the balance between life and death was maintained. Rituals honoring the God of Death were held regularly, and the people of Paraxia believed that his favor had kept them from the fates that had destroyed Aganoestra.   By Year 40, Mahlevola was crowned Empress of Paraxia, solidifying her position as one of the most powerful rulers in Ah’noxia. Her coronation was attended by leaders of many races—drow, elves, elementals, and even representatives from distant lands. Paraxia had become a shining example of what could be achieved when ancient prejudices were set aside.  

The Golden Age of Paraxia (Year 41-50)

  With Empress Mahlevola on the throne, Paraxia entered a Golden Age. The kingdom flourished as never before. The dragons, once feared creatures of destruction, became Paraxia’s protectors, patrolling the skies and keeping the peace. Trade routes were established with distant lands, and Paraxia became known not only for its military strength but for its cultural diversity and tolerance.   Labetha, ever the loyal advisor, helped Mahlevola manage the complex relationships within the kingdom. Together, they balanced the needs of the various peoples living within Paraxia’s borders. The Idomini continued to serve as the kingdom’s protectors, but they also found a home among the other races, no longer feared as demons but respected as warriors and citizens.   The Elementals, with their control over the forces of nature, helped transform the landscape of Paraxia, making the land more fertile and prosperous. The Drow, skilled in shadow magic, became a vital part of Paraxia’s defenses, using their abilities to protect the kingdom from external threats.   By the 50th year, Paraxia was no longer just a dream—it was a reality. The once-fractured peoples of Aganoestra and Ah’noxia had come together to form an empire that stood as a testament to the strength of unity in diversity. Empress Mahlevola’s reign was hailed as a triumph, and many in the Sunlands who once doubted her vision now sought to emulate her example. Paraxia had become a beacon of hope, where even the most unlikely alliances could flourish.  


The story of Paraxia is one of hope, unity, and perseverance. From the humble beginnings of a desperate exodus from Aganoestra, to the thriving empire it became under Empress Mahlevola, Paraxia stands as a symbol of what can be achieved when old divisions are set aside. With the strength of the Idomini, the guidance of Dovium, and the leadership of Mahlevola and Labetha, Paraxia has become a land where all beings—no matter their origin—can find a home.


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