The Dreadveil (The Realm of Drathell)

Drathell, also known as the Dreadveil, unfolds as the realm of souls departed and deceased. It's a domain shrouded in darkness and mystery, segmented into 14 distinct dominions, each harboring both Terrama and deity souls. These realms within the Dreadveil are as varied in purpose as they are in their residents' experiences, from the haunting Circulum Atun Domini, known as Dovium's Castle or Circle of the Master, to the chilling depths of Negrio Cellatum, the Black Cells where souls are meticulously sorted to find their final place of rest.   Drathell's intricate hierarchy and varied domains reflect the complex nature of its inhabitants' transgressions and the universe's profound response to them. This underworld, with its stark landscapes and rigorous justice, stands as a testament to the balance of cosmic order, where every soul finds its rightful place in the shadow of Audulis Mundis's grand design.
Magical Realm


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