The Fumogari Celestine Dragon Breed

The Fumogari, an awe-inspiring breed of Celestine Dragons, are the grand architects of the cosmos, weaving the very fabric of galaxies and planets with their celestial might. Towering above most dragons, their colossal size is second only to the Galacastrian breed, whose appetite often devours the creations of the Fumogari. With scales shimmering like the night sky, flecked with the stardust they gather, these majestic beings traverse the universe, collecting cosmic dust.   Upon finding a suitable collection of cosmic matter, the Fumogari begin their intricate process of creation. With meticulous precision, they gather the swirling nebulae and clusters of stardust, drawing them close with a gentle yet commanding sweep of their immense wings. The dust gathers into a radiant sphere, glowing with the energy of countless stars. The Fumogari then unleash their breath, a torrent of cosmic fire imbued with the power of creation. As their breath envelops the stardust, it begins to meld and fuse, the intense heat and energy transforming the particles into molten rock and metals.   The Fumogari continue to breathe life into their creation, shaping the forming planet with their massive claws, sculpting mountains, valleys, forrests and oceans with each careful stroke. The raw materials are compressed and cooled by Audulis Mundis (the universe/ Space), solidifying into a new world. The dragon's breath also weaves a protective atmosphere, a shimmering veil that encases the nascent planet, preparing it for the gift of life.   In a symphony of creation, they shape entire galaxies, their luminous wings casting a radiant glow across the void. Once their masterpieces are complete, the Vetae Va'Zenta take over, breathing life into the barren worlds crafted by the Fumogari. These Celestine Dragons stand as titanic figures in the cosmic ballet, their legacy etched into the stars and planets that light up the universe.


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