The Great Shift of Land

During the legendary era when the goddess Ak'Nun and her sister Ak'Awa joined forces, the heavens themselves became a battleground to bring peace to the planet of Evernia. Their celestial intervention came in the form of a dramatic display of power: they hailed comets down upon the warring lands to end the strife among their children, the Terrama. The once-unified and majestic continent of Embryia was rent asunder by their divine might, splitting into ten distinct regions. Each of these new lands became the domain of one of the original fourteen tribes, granting them sovereignty to rule as they saw fit and bringing an end to the relentless conflicts that had plagued their world.   The goddesses Ak'Nun and Ak'Awa, embodying the forces of creation and destruction, worked in unison to reshape the destiny of Evernia. Ak'Nun, with her nurturing essence, envisioned a harmonious world where each tribe could flourish independently. Ak'Awa, wielding the power of chaos, executed the necessary devastation to bring about this new order. Their comets, blazing across the sky like divine harbingers, struck the planet with cataclysmic force. Mountains rose and fell, seas swelled and receded, and the land itself heaved and cracked under the immense power of their celestial assault.   This pivotal time period, depending on the perspective of the storyteller, is known by various names. Some call it "The Great Segregation," highlighting the monumental division of Embryia into separate realms. Others refer to it as "The Blessing of Des'Vaun O'ak," acknowledging the peace and autonomy granted to the tribes as a divine boon. In yet another tradition, it is remembered as "The End of Aganostrian Turmoil," emphasizing the cessation of the brutal and destructive wars that had ravaged the continent for generations. While others know it simply as "The Great Shift of Land".


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