The Priestess of Paraxia- The Sacred Rite of Communion: How the Oracle of Tenebra Speaks with the Gods

In the shadowed halls of the Covenant of Tenebra, where the echoes of ancient draconic roars and demonic whispers intertwine, there exists a figure of immense spiritual power and influence—the Oracle of Tenebra. This revered individual is the voice of the gods, the one who communes with Drakos, Idometh, and Sylphara on behalf of the monarch and the people. The sacred rite through which this communion is achieved is a closely guarded secret, known only to the Oracle and a select few within the inner sanctum of the Covenant.   The Role of the Oracle: The Oracle of Tenebra is a position that is passed down through generations, chosen not by birthright but by divine selection. The current Oracle, Lady Venus, is said to have been marked by Drakos himself as a child, her eyes filled with the fire of the Infernal Wing. Her role is to serve as the intermediary between the mortal realm and the divine, interpreting the will of the gods and conveying their messages to the Drakonis Council and the monarch.   When the kingdom faces great peril, when decisions of war and peace hang in the balance, or when the people are beset by plague or famine, it is the Oracle who is called upon to seek the guidance of the gods. The rite through which she does so is known as the Rite of Aetherial Convergence, a ritual that is both awe-inspiring and terrifying in its intensity.  

The Rite of Aetherial Convergence:

  The Rite of Aetherial Convergence is conducted within the Sanctum of Shadows, a secluded chamber deep within the main temple of Tenebra. The chamber is adorned with intricate carvings of dragons and demons, their forms entwined in eternal conflict, illuminated only by the flickering light of braziers filled with enchanted flames.   The Oracle, garbed in robes of dark silk that seem to absorb the very light around her, enters the sanctum alone, carrying the Scepter of Communion, a staff forged from the bones of ancient dragons and inlaid with runes of binding. The air within the sanctum is thick with the scent of burning herbs and the faint whispers of idomini, their voices eager to breach the veil between worlds.   Once within the sanctum, the Oracle begins the ritual by invoking the names of the gods—Drakos, Idometh, and Sylphara—in the ancient tongue, a language known only to the Oracles and the gods themselves. As she speaks, the flames in the braziers flare, and the shadows on the walls begin to twist and writhe, taking on the forms of the deities she calls upon.   Communion with Drakos, the Infernal Wing:   To speak with Drakos, the Oracle must first prove her strength and resolve. She places her hand within the Flame of the Ancients, a searing fire that burns only those deemed unworthy. If she is accepted, Drakos' presence manifests as a towering figure of flame and shadow, his voice like the rumble of distant thunder. The Oracle asks for his guidance in matters of war and strength, seeking his blessing for the monarch and the kingdom's warriors.  

Drakos, the Infernal Wing:


Summoning Chant:

  "Vrakthos Ignora, Drakos Ignifero, Kael'mor drakonis, a'kali ven'rithos! Shedraal vurath, sylaar faerosh, Vulmir drakath, sarath ignis vos!"  


"Great Flame of the Sky, Drakos of Eternal Fire, Hear the call of the dragon-bound, and rise from the depths! Unleash your fury, blaze with might, Burn the world with your infernal flame!" Communion with Idometh, the Whisperer of the Abyss:   The Oracle then turns to Idometh, the most dangerous and unpredictable of the gods. She drinks a potion known as the Elixir of Shadows, a concoction that allows her spirit to temporarily traverse the abyss where the idomini dwell. In this state, she enters a trance, her body guarded by warding runes, as her soul seeks Idometh. The whispers of the abyss fill her mind, and she must navigate this perilous realm to receive Idometh’s cryptic prophecies and warnings, which are often veiled in riddles.   Idometh, the Whisperer of the Abyss: Summoning Chant:   "Idometh Thal'vuran, xalith netha'ren, Vorakith mael'shar, aen'draath karoshen! Lurinth morthos, val’kora draemeth, Abyssos tar’velek, kaeroth drel'mar!"  


"Idometh of the Abyss, hear the shadow's cry, We call upon your dark wisdom, O Keeper of Secrets! Let the void speak, let the whispers guide, Unveil the abyss, reveal the hidden truth!"  

Communion with Sylphara, the Tempest Queen:

  Finally, the Oracle invokes Sylphara, goddess of wind and sky. She ascends a spiraling staircase to the highest point of the sanctum, where the roof opens to the sky. There, under the open heavens, the Oracle dances in a ritualistic manner, her movements synchronized with the swirling winds. If Sylphara is pleased, she appears as a dragon formed of storm clouds, and her voice is carried on the wind. Sylphara’s counsel is sought for matters of diplomacy, travel, and the well-being of the people.  

Sylphara, the Tempest Queen:

Summoning Chant:   "Sylphara Caelum, Vorael syr’thaar, Vethryn’shalara, kaelith ser’mar! Faraantha syl’verith, shar'arae vel’kor, Tempestis virath, caelum mor'draar!"  


"Sylphara of the Sky, Queen of Tempests, We dance beneath your storm, O Mistress of Winds! Let the winds howl, let the skies roar, Bring forth the tempest, guide us with your storm!"  

The Divine Response:

The responses from the gods vary in form and clarity. Drakos may grant a vision of fire and blood, a warning of battles to come, or a symbol of victory. Idometh’s messages are often more obscure, requiring the Oracle to decipher dark omens or interpret cryptic symbols. Sylphara’s guidance, delivered on the breath of the wind, is often the most straightforward, yet it is laced with the unpredictability of the tempest.   Once the Rite of Aetherial Convergence is complete, the Oracle emerges from the sanctum, her eyes alight with the knowledge and power she has gained. She then relays the messages of the gods to the Drakonis Council and the monarch, who interpret the divine will and act accordingly.  

The Weight of Divine Communion:

The Rite of Aetherial Convergence is not without its dangers. Each time the Oracle communes with the gods, she risks her very soul. The intense power of the gods can overwhelm even the most resilient mind, and many Oracles have been known to age rapidly, suffer from madness, or perish shortly after the ritual. Yet, the importance of their role cannot be overstated. The Oracle’s communion with the gods is the cornerstone of the Covenant of Tenebra’s spiritual and political power, guiding the kingdom through the darkest of times.


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