The Shardmaul

Overview: Height: Stands 17 feet tall at the shoulder, imposing and majestic.   Weight: Approximately 3,500 to 4,000 pounds, with a muscular build reminiscent of a polar bear but significantly stronger and more robust.   Habitat and Diet: Primary Diet: Primarily feeds on Glacial Glimmerfish, a species of large, bioluminescent fish found in the deep, icy waters of Aganasta. These fish are known for their ability to thrive in sub-zero temperatures.   Secondary Diet: Also preys on Frostback Runners, a land-based creature that resembles a cross between a deer and a boar, covered in thick, frost-resistant fur, providing high-energy sustenance.     Lifespan: Shardmauls can live up to 150 years, often remaining in peak physical condition for much of their lives. Reproduction: They are solitary creatures that come together only during specific celestial alignments, which occurs once every 15 years, leading to a low birth rate.       Danger Level: Extremely high. Shardmauls are apex predators with few natural enemies, thanks to their formidable size, strength, and predatory skills. Behavior: Despite their fierce appearance and capabilities, Shardmauls are generally solitary and avoid contact with other sentient species unless threatened or during their rare hunting excursions.


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