The Twenty Commandments of the Covenant of Tenebra

Honor the Flame Link:

The bond between dragon and rider is sacred. To sever it is to sever your soul from the divine.  

Heed the Dark Pact:

The idomini are your allies, not your masters. Use their power wisely, but never let them dominate your will.  

Embrace the Abyss:

Seek knowledge in the darkness, for in shadows, truth is revealed. Fear not the unknown, but conquer it.  

Strength Above All:

Power is the highest virtue. The weak are unworthy of the Flame Link and must be cast aside.  

Master the Sky:

The winds are your allies, the sky your domain. Never let your feet linger on the ground when the heavens call.  

Venerate the Dragon:

Dragons are the living embodiment of Drakos. Treat them with the reverence due to a god.  

Respect the Tempest:

The winds of Sylphara are fickle and fierce. Navigate them with respect, for they can lift you or dash you to ruin.  

Guard the Sanctum:

The secrets of the Covenant are not for the unworthy. Protect the sanctity of the sacred rituals with your life.  

Offer Blood to the Abyss:

Blood is the currency of power. Offerings must be made to the idomini to strengthen the bond between worlds.  

Seek the Flame of Wisdom:

Wisdom is found in the fire of trial and combat. Do not shy away from challenges that forge your spirit.  

Punish the Betrayer:

Betrayal within the Covenant is the gravest sin. The traitor's fate is to be consumed by the flames of Drakos.  

Speak the Ancient Tongue:

The language of the gods is sacred. Speak it in rituals and prayers to connect with the divine.  

Invoke the Tempest in War:

When you go to battle, call upon Sylphara. Her winds will guide your strikes and scatter your foes.  

Revere the Shadow:

The darkness is a source of strength. Embrace it, and let the shadow guide your steps.  

Shun the Light of Weakness:

Those who dwell in the light are blinded by it. Walk the path of shadows where true vision is found.  

Sacrifice for Power:

Power demands sacrifice. Whether in blood, pain, or spirit, nothing of worth is gained without loss.  

Honor the Fallen:

Those who die in service to the Covenant ascend to Drakos’ flame. Their memory must be preserved through ritual and song.  

Bind the Demon:

The idomini are not to be feared but controlled. Bind them with strength and command them with resolve.  

Defy Death:

Death is a passage, not an end. Seek to transcend it through mastery of both life and the abyss.  

Worship in Silence:

True worship is found in silence and solitude. Speak to the gods not with words, but with actions and thoughts.


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