"The Children of the Sea," Tritons have long fascinated the conscience of humans, dwarves, elves, and many other races. They are at once beautiful - with their smooth, shimmering scales and noble features - and terrifying - for how they so easily live in the wide open sea. They represent the ocean itself, one scholar said, both its vast allure and its sheer terror. Tritons have never been frightened of the open ocean where even the bravest man might quail and fright. As such, it is no wonder that explorers on land, when reaching the far corners of the world, have found Tritons have made it first. They are explorers and entrepreneurs, merchants and sailors, warriors and heroes. There is no telling what threats beneath the salty waves have never made it to shore thanks to the Triton spear and Triton sword.
The tritons settled their capital in Abysri, four hundred and ninety leagues from the holy mountain. Abysri is build inside the caldera of a great volcano in the Sharook Sea. Legend tells that a great battle raged here long ago between the Tritons and a realm called The Darkened Depths, but more likely, the volcano emerged as a result of Cataclysm when the continents collided. From Abysri, Tritons set out to sea, both swimming and by boat. They were exceptional sailors, knowing where the tides would take them. They explored every coast line and every river all around the Twin Continents, and even far beyond in the wide oceans.
Tritons have always been an amiable people, never really concerning themselves with the wars of the land dwellers. And why should they? Aside from the merfolk who do not establish great cities much less empires, the lizardfolk who only dwell in tropical rivers of the south, and the sea elves who are few in number, Tritons have full and complete access to the sea. That isn't to say they haven't come into confrontation with other races. Triton barges have long attracted pirates looking to make a quick fortune, and some coastal human city states have also made war on the tritons for what they see as unfair business practices.
But tritons generally do not concern themselves with other races, aside from trade and business. This has given the impression that they are haughty and full-of-themselves. Tritons do not see it that way. Their outlook on the world is simply alien to others. After all, they are "The Children of the Sea."
Naming Traditions
Feminine names
Female names traditionally end with an n.
Female Triton Names: Aryn, Belthyn, Duthyn, Feloren,
Otanyn, Shalryn, Vlaryn, Wolyn
Masculine names
Most triton names have two or three syllables. Male
names typically end with a vowel and the letter s.
Male Triton Names: Corus, Delnis, Jhimas, Keros, Molos,
Nalos, Vodos, Zunis
Family names
Tritons use their home protectorate as a surname, with the name
formed by adding a vowel followed by a "th" to the end of
the protectorate's name.
Triton Surnames: Ahlorsath, Pumanath, Vuuvaxath
Major language groups and dialects
In addition to the common tongue, Tritons are fluent in Aquan, one of the four dialects branching off of Primordial. Historical records are unclear whether or not the Tritons learned Aquan from the Water Genasi, or vice verse, or if Aquan somehow developed twice in two different cultures.
Culture and cultural heritage
Schools of Magic
The tritons developed and founded the school of Conjuration, which primarily concerns itself with conjuring creatures or effects within the vicinity to help with a task. The ever famous and utilized Mage Hand is a useful Conjuration cantrip developed by the Tritons long, long ago for use in pearl-diving. The most well-trained conjurers have even mastered the art of transportation and instantaneous travel, which the tritons find incredibly useful for keeping their vast network of cities connected.Major organizations
The Western Merchant Republic
The Eastern Merchant Republic