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The Ocean of Israa : Room 2: West

--The nomadic village called the Oasis of Zephyrs   To the west of Zaharra, nestled amidst the shifting sands, lies the Oasis of the Zephyrs—a small nomadic village of Water Genasi. Their tents, fashioned from shimmering fabrics and adorned with intricate patterns, create a mesmerizing tapestry against the backdrop of the Great Desert.   Nomadic Tents: The village is a vibrant array of tents, their colors reflecting the hues of the water element. The tents stand in harmonious disarray, forming a lively community within the vastness of the desert. Water Genasi move gracefully between tents, their aqua-hued skin shimmering beneath the desert sun.   Auran Echoes: The air is filled with the melodious sound of Auran, a dialect spoken by the Water Genasi. Their voices carry the gentle cadence of flowing water, creating a musical tapestry that adds to the ambiance of the oasis. A few Genasi, recognizing the presence of outsiders, switch to Common to welcome the characters.   Chief's Tent: At the heart of the village, a larger and more ornate tent stands as a symbol of leadership. This is the dwelling of Chief Azura, the respected leader of the Water Genasi nomads. The tent's exterior is adorned with intricate patterns resembling cascading waterfalls and swirling tides.   Azura, Chief of the Zephyrs: Chief Azura is a dignified Water Genasi with cerulean skin and long, flowing hair that mirrors the ebb and flow of ocean currents. Her eyes, a deep turquoise, reflect both wisdom and kindness. Azura's attire consists of fluid, aqua-colored fabrics, and she wears jewelry crafted from precious stones found in the desert.   Tapestries of Memories: Stepping into Chief Azura's tent is like entering a sanctuary of memories. The interior is adorned with tapestries depicting Mors-Rel before the curse—a lush and tropical world bathed in vibrant greens and blues. The scenes capture the essence of a bygone era, a stark contrast to the arid reality outside the oasis.   Arabian Hospitality: Azura welcomes the characters with the grace and hospitality typical of the nomadic Water Genasi. The air inside the tent is cool, offering a refreshing respite from the desert heat. The characters are invited to partake in water-infused refreshments and share tales of their journey.   Desert Survival Wisdom: As keepers of ancient knowledge, the Water Genasi nomads possess a deep understanding of desert survival. They share insights on locating hidden oases, navigating the shifting sands, and communing with the desert spirits. Azura, in particular, imparts wisdom about the Great Desert's secrets and the significance of the solarstone.   Alliance of the Elements: The characters find themselves in the midst of an alliance, as Chief Azura expresses concern about the encroaching curse on Mors-Rel. She senses the disturbance in the elements and acknowledges the characters' quest. In return for the characters' respect for their oasis and its memories, Chief Azura offers guidance and a small talisman—a token of the water's protection for their journey.   The Oasis of the Zephyrs becomes a brief respite in the characters' desert odyssey, a place where the memories of a lush world are preserved, and the alliance between the elements and travelers is forged.
  • Range from 80 to 103 degrees
  • Chief Azura
  • They have tapestries which depict the end of th second age. Angels dead in a circle, their wings cutoff seemingly struck down by a shadow in the center of the tapestry.
  • She describes the curse of Azrakh. The legend of the Septre, known as Leqau~Apor, World Ender. It is somewhere to the North, but no one dare go near it. Somehow, the Cult has found a way to survive.
  • The Cult of Asmodeus - Home in Canyon, Only a dozen or so left.
  • There was once a dragon to the east
  • There is a powerful evil djinn that lives in Mount Faerfyre
  • We’re starting a skill challenge to describe how you get from Zaharra Northgate to the Nomadic village of Zephyr to the west.
  • For each day, describe the trip and choose a skill to check. DC 15, 6 Rolls, 3 Failures
  • On Success. Congrats you've made it. Worn and tired but otherwise ok.
  • The failed skill challenge causes the party to take a more treacherous route through the desert. They make it to their destination, but they emerge wounded and weary. Each character must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 27 (5d10) piercing damage on a failed save or half as much on a successful one.


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