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Strakron Eldistforn

  When the Cowled Wizards were sent to Ioma as a mercenary force to protect the rulers and upper class of the island, Strakron was one of the first to volunteer for the job. A powerful wizard, consistently overlooked by his peers, Strakron immediately saw the possibilities of living in the Nelanther Isles. Over the course of his tenure at Ioma, Strakron traveled the Isles extensively, gathering objects of power and increasing his authority over the ruling class of Ioma. Upon seeing the Iomic Crystals' antimagic properties, Strakron saw the potential to make Ioma a world power and naturally saw himself as the only one to fulfill that vision. Bringing the Cowled Wizards to his side, Strakron took over the government and implemented the Six Wheels as a system for the common folk to aspire to greatness.   After securing his power, he began to work on expanding the influence of the Iomic Crystals, studying the ancient texts to create an orb of antimagic that could extend its influence into the Nelanther Isles. Discovering that the only tool needed was a sentient being capable of being a conduit of power, Strakron has lost his hold on his other Cowled Wizards who started to see him as a threat. Betrayed by his brotherhood, the other Cowled Wizard usurped his rule, and chained him to the magic pool inside Mt. Ioma. Over the years, his humanity burned away leaving behind only his rage and thirst for vengeance as Strakron transformed into an Elder Flameskull.

Elder Flameskull

Tiny undead, neutral evil
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 80
Speed 15ft Fly: 50ft

1 -5
17 +3
14 +2
16 +3
10 0
11 0

Skills Arcana +5, Perception +2
Damage Resistances lightning, necrotic, piercing
Damage Immunities cold, fire, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 12
Languages Common
Challenge 6

The Elder Flameskull is a 5th-level spellcaster (Spell Save DC 13, +5 to hit) who casts their spells from long familiarity and needs only verbal components to cast. It knows the following spells.

At will: Cantrip (at will): mage hand

1/day: 3rd level (1 slot): fireball

2/day: 2nd level (2 slots): blur, flaming sphere

3/day: 1st Level (3 slots): magic missile, shield

Advanced Rejuvenation When reduced to 0 HP, the Flameskull nimbus of fire douses and the skull explodes into pieces. After 1 round, the flames reignite and the shards of the skull begin to pull back together to reform. It takes three additional rounds for the Flameskull to fully reform. Once the rejuvenation is complete, the Elder Flameskull will be at full HP with all spell slots returned. Splashing holy water, or casting dispel magic or remove curse will prevent this from happening.


Multi-attack. The Elder Flameskull uses Fire Ray three times   Fire Ray. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 30 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) fire damage.


When being wounded for the first time, the Flameskull will immediately casat Fireball (or Flaming Sphere if Fireball has already been cast.)


Legendary Actions

Blinding Ignition. At the start of combat, the Flameskull will burn brighter, flashing an intense, painful light of blue-white flame. Any creature within 30' of the Elder Flameskull must make a DC 13 constitution save or become blinded until the start of its next turn.   Flaming Vengeance. Triggered as soon as it hits 10% (8 hit points) of its hit points. Sensing its end is near, the Elder Flameskull will burst, sending fire and shrapnel at anyone in its path. The explosion is treated as a Fireball, each creature within a 20 ft radius must make a DC13 Dexterity Saving throw or take full damage. Damage is 3d6. The Shrapnel sends pieces of skull flying in all directions. Each creature within 10' takes 1d4 piercing damage.

Blazing green flames and mad, echoing laughter surround an undead flameskull. This disembodied skull blasts foes with fiery rays from its eyes and dreadful spells called up from the dark recesses of its memory.


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