Basus Organization in The Neo Earth | World Anvil
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Basus is the god of knowledge and learning. He is the brother of Eksus, god of technology and invention.
The god of sages and all that value knowledge, both the Void and Lumin elves often worship him and tell you what role he played in ancient times. After The Awakening Basus was tasked with showing teaching the new realms and to show them to importance of knowledge and study. He guided the inhabitants of the realms to seek knowledge or plants and animals, to learn of healing and food. He also inspired them to record their knowledge so it can be shared. Basus is often the one the elders of old invoked to understand the meaning of signs and events.
  In the bloody events leading up the The Divide, Basus and Eksus both were the ones that provided the knowledge to the people to build fortifications and craft magical defences. Up until that point there had been no major war and only minor convlicts within the realms. Much like his brother, Basus felt that the war was unnecesary. When the conflict started between the Shadow and Light realm, Basus at thought that Zalmir was right, the people of his realm deserved the knowledge of light element magic just like any of the other realms. Basus believed that people should be free to use knowledge however they want, because it is knowledge that shapes a person. He believes that the people had free will, and that knowledge and an understanding of things will lead them to a deeper enlightenment. Eksus managed to convince Basus that this was not the case. He showed his brother how the shadow realm people lived and how many in the light realm were dying to protect their families. Basus came to realise that free will was important but must not impede the free will of others. He agreed that perhaps the shadow realm people had to grow and get wise before they could learn to use Light realm magic responsibly.
  Even though he remained with the Great Mother after The Divide, Basus still help many who have a hunger for knowledge and live in pursuit of it, even those who practice Void magic. Just like in the times before The Divide, he believes that a deeper understanding will lead any to enlightenment and that knowledge isn't good or evil but any person has the free will to make a choice. It is great knowledge that show you many available paths.

Tenets of Faith

Basus believe that all deserve knowledge and to walk the path to personal enlightenment, however dark or light that path is.

His domains are knowledge and learning

Religious, Pantheon

Cover image: by Sergey Zabelin
Character flag image: by N0va_Runn3r_