Chaos Kin Species in The Neo Earth | World Anvil
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Chaos Kin

Chaos Kin are rare elemental people that originate from both the Void and the Lumin realms. There is no distintion between a fire Chaos Kin whose family came from the Void and one who's ancestors stepped from the Lumin realms after the Rupture, except perhaps certain personality traits that typically accompany people and creatures that come from these individual places. The exception is Light Kin that only from Lumin and Shadow Kin coming from the Void.   An average person would think that Chaos Kin emboddy the known four elements of nature (earth, air, fire, water) as categorised in the old times, but there are actually 8 different kinds of Chaos Kin:   Fire

Many people believe that Chaos Kin are one of the oldest races to exist, having been formed from the cosmos when it was still chaos and made of pure elemental building blocks.
These Kin have a deep bond with their element and is intimately familiar with its place within the greater universe. So much so, that their personalities often reflect their elements. Fire Kin will often have short tempers, yet be very passionate. Ice Kin will often be distant emotionally, yet have a patience and determination that could move through the ages. Lightning Kin have quick reflexes, they struggle to sit still, their wrath is great and yet they change their mood quickly.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Genasi mature at about the same rate as humans and reach adulthood in their late teens. They live on average about 200 years. Earth Kin live longer, however, reaching ages of up to 350.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

The facial features of Chaos Kin depend on their element. Air Kin will have soft features, while Earth Kin will have the opposite. Light Kin look almost angelic, while Shadow Kin have a devious look to them.   Chaos Kin sometimes have horns, although some elements rarely do. Fire, Shadow, Earth and Lightning Kin are known to be then ones that most often have horns.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Darkvision, and natural elemental magic.
From both lumin and void realms. Shadow kin are only from void, Light kin are only from lumin
200 Years, Earth Kin 350 years
Average Height
The heights of Chaos Kin vary greatly, with some as short as gnomes and some as tall as goliaths.
Average Weight
Just like their height, their weight also varies.

Cover image: by Nataliya Bartenevarar