Ghanu Organization in The Neo Earth | World Anvil
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Ghanu is the god of trickery and lies and the brother of Ghina. He often has followers of various origins. Most being charlatans, magicians, conmen and other smoke-and-mirror type people. Any of these followers can tell you of the ultamite trick, that fooled even gods. After the events of The Divide, he became known as The Serpent, slithering and waiting to strike.
  After The Awakening, Ghanu was known as the god of playfullness, encouraging fun and relaxation among all. He believed that a rest was needed after hard work to maintain balance within the life of the realms' people. His inspiration created the first bards, and compiled the first songs. The people loved him for all the joy he brought into their every day lives.
  In the times leading up to The Divide, Ghanu grew unsatisfied with the way the realms where overseen. There was an age of learning and development, where all the people found their true potential within their chaotic elements. Yet, the potential of some seemed limited by the will of some of the gods, only because of their nature. Ghanu imagined what songs would come if only the realms where allowed ultimate freedom. He dreamed of an existance where all realms could interact with one another, and the wonderful dances that would be born from their union. At that time, only the light and shadow realms where open for the scholars of other realms to visit. Dryara and Atmos had decided that the other realms had to learn magic from those who had already mastered the craft. The only interaction the realms had with one another was either in the shadow or the light realm, and this was not the vision Ghanu had.
  After Atmos had a confrontation with Dryara about the shadow realm receiving access to light element magic, he retreated into the shadow realm for an age. Ghanu felt that Atmos had, at least in part, shared his vision of a unified existance. He realised that Dryara and the gods that agreed with her would never aid him in his quest. Even Vonlo was punished for only having the ability to provide equal magic ability to all, and the passion for it as well. Ghanu kept watching over the situation, not satisfied with the separation between the realms and the lack of trust from the gods.
  One day, his sister told him that she had been visiting Atmos within his shadow realm sanctuary. She shared their dream with him and Ghanu felt that he could use this dream to further his own. He went to the Great Father and, with his sister, planned the invasion of the light realm. However, he had a secret plan that he didn't share with the rest. He wanted to use the invasion to open up the other realms as well, or at least create a key that would fit the locks of the realms.
  Ghanu went to the other gods and convinced them that The Age of Tears had impacted the people negatively and a huge festival might bring joy to those of the light realm mourning with Dryara. The gods agreed and declared a festival would be held where all the realms would come together in the light realm to celebrate their progress from the time of chaos. The event was called The Unification festival. Ghanu told Atmos and his sister that this would be the time to launch their attack.
  As the festival began, the gates of all the realms where opened to allow any to enter the light realm, not only the chosen scholars. Ghanu went to each gate and carved a magic mark on it, before the Great Father revealed himself as Zalmir and launched his attack. After attack, Dryara placed a seal upon the Light realm, barring any with shadow in their heart to enter, yet Ghanu's marks remained within the boundaries of the realms.
These marks were still limited by the seal the Great Mother placed but allowed people to use magic to travel between the other realms. His plan had been completed and all the gods realised how he had used the conflict between them to execute his own plan. Dryara, Drarona and Utar dissaproved of his actions and declared him to the snake that slithers and deceives for his own gain.
  Since the time of The Divide, Ghanu has gathered many followers. He has worshippers of all the races, and each carries their own meaning to the events. Some see him as the rebel that tricked all the gods for the benefit of the people. Some see him as the god that outsmarted the others for his own personal gain. And others see him as the free thinking outcast that didn't fit into any category placed by the gods, the true representation of individuality.

Tenets of Faith

All must be free to pursue their passion. Trickery is a path that would lead you past the restrictions others would place.

His domains are trickery, lies and music.

Religious, Pantheon

Cover image: by Sergey Zabelin
Character flag image: by open art