Gozena Organization in The Neo Earth | World Anvil
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Gozena is the goddess of war and domination. Orcs, Void Goliaths and other races that tend to live in the pursuit of power are known to worship her. These races can proudly tell you of the influence Gozena had in the times leading up to The Divide.
  In the aged after The Awakening, Gozena taught the people of the realms how to hunt and defend themselves. Within the chaos of the newly created realms, creatures awoke that posed a threat to the people. Gozena gave the people knowledge of which of these beasts they could hunt for food, which would give the best resources and which posed the greatest threat to their lives. Of all the realms, the more unpredictable elements earned the most of her love, the Ice, Fire, Lightning and Shadow realms. These realms showed a great passion for Gozena's teachings.
  When Zalmir lauched the attack before The Divide happened, Gozena felt a great inspiration from the Shadow realm people. She felt that the people of this realm had embodied her teachings at a greater level and chose to teach them battle tactics to aid in their quest. Gozena realised that her side was with those that seek power and take it, with those that strive to conquer.
After The Divide, Gozena gained many devout followers that found purpose in the events that occured. Many people of the realms, especially her favourite realms, drew inspiration from the events of The Divide and began claiming their own territories within them. They preyed to Gozena for knowledge and she grew more powerful as the power of her followers grew. Soon, Gozena's domain became known as one of fear, war and power of others; and only those that saught to emboddy these virtues would worship her. Gozena revelled in the new power she gained, and rejected the ones that didn't follow her tenets.
  Gozena allows any to worship her, wherever their origin lies. They need only live their lives according to her tenets, and strive to better themselves through power, through the overpowering of overs.

Tenets of Faith

Those who seek power must take it. Only the strong deserve to rule. Those who allow themselves to trampled are weak and not worthy of recognition.

Her domains are war and domination

Religious, Pantheon

Cover image: by Sergey Zabelin
Character flag image: by open art