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Void Elf

Void elves entered the world through a void rift, then set off to claim a piece of land for their own. They look a lot like lumin elves, save for the fact that they have dark skin and draw their magic from the void. Void elves have a bad reputation for being evil, and rightfully so. They were quick to reintroduce slavery into the world even if, through with all the technological advances, manual labor is hardly necessary to get anything done. Some say the do it just to prove that they are superior.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Although elves reach physical maturity at about the same age as humans, the elven understanding of adulthood goes beyond physical growth to encompass worldly experience. An elf typically claims adulthood at about the age of 50, but certain rebellious elves that venture out of the capital claim adulthood sooner, due to the hardships in the outer world.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Void elves don't carry the natural beauty of the lumin elves, not in the same sense anyway. They have more rugged features and a dark stare that will send shivers up almost anyone's spine.
Their eyes are in almost all the shades, depending on the bloodline, but black and white is most common. Sometimes the entire sclera is coloured as well.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Void elves can be found in almost any capital in to world. However, most will stay in their country and capital Vlamore, feeling most at home with other darker creatures and races.
Genetic Descendants
Void born
700 years
Average Height
Under 5 to over 6 feet tall.
Average Weight
100 to 145 pounds
Average Physique
Slender build and of medium size.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Void elves have skin in shades of black, grey and blue.
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Cover image: by Shade-of-Stars

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