Actaris overdrive heart

The Actaris overdrive heart is perhaps the one of the best artificial hearts out there. Advancing the technologies of the Pacesetter 2000 combined with the technologies of a variable chambered heart, the Actaris overdrive heart far surpasses any ordinary organic heart and surpasses the vast majority of artificial hearts, with additional features such as boosting performance to a drastic degree.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Actaris overdrive heart is an extremely well built and powerful artificial heart.   Components: The Actaris overdrive heart utilizes artificial muscle fibers combined with a rapid-action turbopump contained in a flexible ballistic shell to function. It is powered by the body's natural bioelectricity and, because of its high level of standards and quality control, these Hearts rarely, if ever, malfunction. It also has a built-in Biomonitor for checking on oneself.   Implantation: The user’s ordinary heart is taken out and they are hooked on to a life-support machine while the surgery takes place. After placing the heart, they use nanomachines to hook up all the veins and blood vessels to the new heart that they couldn't reach safely. After approximately 10 days of adjusting to the heart, it will link up to the user's consciousness, allowing it to activate its overdrive mode.   Abilities: The Actaris overdrive heart is naturally vastly superior to even an augmented organic heart. It enhances circulation multiple times over, causing the blood to be more pinkish and more oxygen per blood cell, enhancing physical performance by a significant degree. The key feature of the overdrive heart is its overclock feature. The overclock feature essentially makes the heart pump blood even faster, drastically enhancing physical performance at the cost of one's muscle, veins, ligaments and tendons.   It is advisable that you receive Actaris reinforced veins, muscle toning, and muscle augmentation to make full use of this augmentation.
Item type
Creation Date
The Actaris overdrive heart requires a license to get because of its sheer power and danger to the user. The license is decently hard to gain, but many elite level sports and combat users use this heart to great effect.
30% heavier than the user's original heart.
Same dimensions as the user's original heart
Base Price
19,780 Nuyen


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