Ares Alpha Mark 2

The Ares Alpha Mark 2 is the new and improved firearm for Firewatch. This Marvel of Ares arms features a mini grenade launcher and even more reliability upgrades. Until recently, The Ares Alpha Mark 2 wasn't available for purchase outside of Ares, but now the weapon is available for trusting Outsiders.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Ares Alpha Mark 2 is a very reliable weapon, Quite frankly, lasting longer than most people that use it.   Internal components: The Ares Alpha Mark 2 Utilizes a Bullpup case firing system that propels its 7.62x42mm rounds. It holds 40 rounds and features a very tough internals, mini grenade launcher that holds 10 rounds, a switch to activate three-round bursts, full auto, or to fire off its grenades with the trigger. The weapon also possesses a smart gun system.   External components: the gun is made of steel and polymers.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Creation Date
Related Technologies
Owning Organization
The Ares Alpha Mark 2 was only available to Firewatch, but now is available to only trusted Outsiders.
Overall length: 100cm
Base Price
4,000 Nuyen


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