Artificial muscles

The Artificial muscles is a cyberware augmentation that increases your raw brute strength and agility by replacing your natural muscles with artificial ones. The artificial muscles cyberware option is incompatible with muscle toning or muscle augmentation, but it can be used with Linear frames.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Artificial muscles is a powerful alternative to muscle augmentation and muscle toning.   Components: Artificial muscles, depending on the manufacturer, metatype, and price. are made out of myomar plastics, Dedronit, or other forms of artificial muscles. Great progress has also been made in terms of the material used, so that the current generations of artificial muscles are significantly more tear-resistant and elastic. Electroreactive plastic fibers and special “memory metals” replaced silicone, and muscle implants based on high-precision matrices made of myriad molecular motors, which are usually tank-grown.   Implantation: Artificial muscles replace major muscle groups in order to maximize the effect of the strength boosting. Major muscle groups that have been replaced are the pectorals, biceps, thighs and more. The implantation of artificial muscles usually involves minor modifications to the skeleton. Bones and joints are reinforced with the help of calcium deposits or artificial material in order to anchor the muscle strands and to make full use of the muscles' greater resilience.   Abilities: Artificial muscles add a percentage of your body's weight in terms of artificial muscle, with different levels corresponding with different strengths.   Class one: Class one artificial muscles adds the least amount of artificial muscle correspondence to your body weight, Therefore a 90kg will bulk up to 122kg. The strength and Agility increase puts the user at above their peak of their species strength.   Class two: Class two artificial muscles adds more muscles in correspondence to your body weight, Therefore a 90kg will bulk up to 131kg. The strength and Agility increase puts the user at beyond their species maximum.   Class three: Class three artificial muscles adds substantially more muscles in correspondence to your body weight, Therefore a 90kg will bulk up to 140kg. The strength and Agility increase puts the user at far beyond their species maximum.   Class four: Class four artificial muscles adds the most amount of muscles in correspondence to your body weight, Therefore a 90kg will bulk up to 149kg. The strength and Agility increase puts the user at an immense amount above their species maximum.     Artificial muscles, unlike muscle augmentations, cannot be improved by working out, and they only possess a limited healing Factor thanks to the nanites. If any sort of major damage were to occur, the subject needs to go to a cyberdoctor to get it fixed. But as a bonus, these muscles do not get tired out, And can be additionally reinforced by specialized nanites injections. Artificial muscles are also highly compatible with Linear frame technology, as it utilizes the same principles, and the artificial muscle can be easily modified to accept the additional reinforcements. Artificial muscles can also be enhanced by berserk augmentations.
Item type
Artificial muscles are available to General Public for a multitude of reasons. Ranging from counteracting neuromuscular degradation, uses in sports, replacing muscles after they have been completely destroyed, and plenty more. combat professions also make heavy use of artificial muscles.
Class 1: 35% of your body weight in muscle, Class 2: 45% of your body weight in muscle, Class 3: 55% of your body weight in muscle, Class 4: 65% of your body weight in muscle.
Replaces major muscle groups in the person's entire musculature.
Base Price
30,000- 60,000 Nuyen


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