Bone lacing

The Bone lacing cyberware is an augmentation that focuses on reinforcing the bones with micro-lattice chains of reinforcing materials to improve the tensile strength and structural integrity of the bones. How big the effect is depends on the material used. There are different levels of bone lacing with different materials used for each level, the Levels go like this, plastic bones, aluminum bones, titanium bones, superalloy bones, and hyperalloy bones. There are also two other subtypes which are ceramic and Kevlar.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Bone lacing works by using nanites to interweave the cellular structure of the wearer's bones with micro-lattice chains of reinforcing materials, to improve the tensile strength and structural integrity of the bones by a considerable degree or even more depending on the materials used. Here are the different levels of bone lacing.   Kevlar: Made from the popular ballistic fiber, Kevlar bones are more for cushioning the impact of a round then stopping it dead in its tracks. The benefit of Kevlar, ceramic, and plastic bones is the fact that they cannot get detected on metal detectors. Kevlar bones cushion the impact of up to a 500 Smith & Wesson Magnum without the bone breaking, though it will be quite painful.   Ceramic: Ceramic bones are made of a polymer ceramic alloy. Ceramic bones are Made for counteracting massive amounts of heat and thermal energy from melting the bones. Ceramic bones are still highly durable and can resist up to light rifle calibers.   Plastic: Plastic bones are the entry level bone lacing augmentation. Plastic bones are tied with ceramic and Kevlar for the least amount of time to get used to because of their relatively lightweight. you become much more resilient, able to fracture a human skull with a punch, crushed light wood blocks, and be resilient to a good deal of Pistol calipers   Aluminum: Aluminum bones are a higher level of bone lacing and therefore are much stronger than plastic bones. Aluminum bones take a good deal longer to get used due to their weight but make you vastly more resilient, able to crush a human skull, Crush wooden blocks, and be almost immune to Pistol calibers.   Titanium: The third strongest Bone lacing in the open market. Titanium bones take a while to get used to because of their sheer weight on the body's muscular systems, But in return, you become incredibly resilient against all forms of physical damage. With titanium bones you can break a fully grown human skull, Casually crushed thick wood blocks , and Pistol calibers will only mildly inconvenience you if shot at the bones, And if shot in the head with a 500 Smith & Wesson Magnum, it will knock you out and leave you with a massive headache, but you'll still be alive.   Superalloy: The second strongest Bone lacing. Superalloy bones take a substantial amount of time to get used due to their sheer weight, but in return you become tremendously resilient against all forms of physical damage. With Superalloy bones you can break concrete walls, casually crush concrete blocks, And light rifle calibers will only mildly inconvenience you if shot at the bones.   Hyperalloy: The strongest Bone lacing and the most expensive. Hyperalloy bones take the longest to get used to due to their sheer weight, but in return, you become immensely resilient against all forms of physical damage. With Hyperalloy bones you can break reinforced concrete walls, casually crush reinforced concrete blocks, and Medium to heavy rifle calibers will only mildly inconvenience you if shot at the bones.
Item type
Related Technologies
Bone lacing availability and legality depends on what level of bone lacing you get, plastic and aluminum bones are relatively hard to get but are very much possible for a civilian to get. Titanium and up are only allowed for people playing in cyber Sports, security, military, or people working in dangerous environments such as miners, construction workers, cargo handlers, and many more. Kevlar and ceramic bones are different cases as they are more for police work and Military Work. However, if a person were to suffer devastating bone injuries, they can apply for up to Titanium bones for rehabilitation and can actually keep them for the rest of their life.
Substantially increases your weight.
Covers the user's entire skeleton
Base Price
8,000 - 120,000 Nuyen


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