
The Cyberskull is an augmentation that involves replacing the skull piece by piece with hardened materials. While a very useful piece of cybernetic equipment, it's also very time consuming to receive and quite dangerous.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Cyberskull is an excellent piece of cyberware, providing immense protection and options.   Components: The Cyberskull utilizes hardened biocompatible materials such as hyperalloy, superalloy, plasteel and more to replace the skull.   Implantation: In the implantation process, they first anesthetize the user and then administer Nanomachines that function as a second skull for the brain, creating a mold of the skull to protect it from surgical damage and allow for the attachment of the new hardened materials. Then, they replace large chunks of the skull with hardened materials. After the large chunks of skull that were replaced, microscopically bonded to each other via Nanomachines, ensuring no weakness in the structure. The eyes are also replaced by cybereyes, so are the ears and nose. There are also artificial muscle fibers located in the skull to facilitate facial movement and also artificial skin and hair to make it seem more metahuman like.   Abilities: The Cyberskull is vastly more durable than the user's original skull, being entirely made of hardened materials. The main benefit of the cyberskull is the fact that since it's so much more durable than a regular skull, it can have more powerful cyber options equipped inside of it without the risk of damaging the skull, such as laser eyes.
Item type
The Cyberskull, is a very hard piece of cyberware for the average civilian to get, requiring a license. Due to the nature of it, really only combat professions make use of the Cyberskull, however people working in highly dangerous work environment can get the cyberskull much easier than the average civilian.
10%+ heavier than the user’s original skull, depending on the materials used
Replaces the vast majority of the skull.
Base Price
23,000 Nuyen


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