Damage compensators

Damage Compensator is a cultivated bioware augmentation that reduces a person's sensitivity to pain. This augmentation allows the user to take much more damage than their body can neurologically and psychologically handle and keep functioning.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Damage Compensator is a very great piece of Bioware, but one that is very dangerous for you in certain situations.   Components: Damage compensators are specialized ribbons of transmitting nerve fibers.   Implantation: the user is implanted with nanomachines that go to the brain and build the damage compensators on certain neurons. After their level of building is done, they are removed from the body. After approximately 2 days of getting used to the body, the damage compensators are ready to be used.   Abilities: Damage compensators have three main levels, with each one providing more damage resistance than the last.   Light level: Light level damage compensators are the least powerful, but still offer a very great advantage over a fight. Light level damage compensators can ignore the pain of a snap wrist, fractures in the bones, and eye gouging.   Medium level: Medium level damage compensators are the second most powerful, providing an amazing advantage in a fight. Medium level damage compensators can ignore the pain of pulverized bones, a snap leg, and severe organ damage.   Heavy level: Heavy level damage compensators are the most powerful, providing an extraordinary advantage in a fight. Heavy level damage compensators can ignore the pain of cut off limbs, a crushed rib cage, and have your skull complete fracture.   Despite its seemingly amazing degree of damage reduction, there are limits. If you sustain too much extreme damage, your damage compensators may become overwhelmed, and you will slowly start experiencing the pain of the damage. And if you are catastrophically injured, the pain may flood in all at once even with heavy level damage compensators, so it's best to pair it with the trauma dampener.
Damage Compensator is a very hard augmentation to get for the average civilian, requiring a license that is quite hard to get. However, people in blood sports, military or police work, and dangerous work environments can get this augmentation significantly easier.
No weight change.
Covers the person's various nerves.
Base Price
2,000 - 24,000 Nuyen


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