Hyperthyroid gland

The Hyperthyroid gland augmentation is a cutting-edge bioware technology that revolutionizes the functioning of the thyroid gland. Through a surgical procedure, an additional gland is grown and implanted onto the person's existing thyroid gland. This cultivated gland seamlessly integrates with the natural thyroid, taking over its metabolic functions and optimizing them for maximum efficiency. By doing so, the Hyperthyroid gland augmentation significantly enhances the energy release within the body, resulting in a substantial increase in overall energy levels. Is a cultivated Bioware implant.   This augmentation goes beyond simply boosting energy; it also has a profound impact on the person's physical attributes. The increased metabolic activity stimulates the body's natural processes, leading to enhanced strength, speed, and endurance. Individuals with the Hyperthyroid gland augmentation often experience heightened reflexes, improved agility, and increased muscle development.   Furthermore, the augmentation's optimization of metabolic functions offers additional benefits. It promotes faster healing and recovery, allowing individuals to bounce back from injuries or physical exertion more rapidly. Additionally, the increased energy production aids in weight management, as the augmented metabolism efficiently burns calories and fat.   Overall, the Hyperthyroid gland augmentation represents a remarkable advancement in bioware technology. By replacing and enhancing the metabolic functions of the thyroid gland, it provides individuals with a significant boost in energy, physical attributes, and overall well-being.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Hyperthyroid gland is a vital piece of equipment for any sports user, allowing them to exceed their boundaries even further with the right augmentations.   Components: The Hyperthyroid gland is a cultivated bioware implant that takes the subject DNA and grows the implant to match their body perfectly, minimizing the risk of rejection.   Implantation: The Hyperthyroid gland is implanted on the thyroid, increasing its weight and making it slightly larger and in terms of dimensions. Then, through time and waiting, the Hyperthyroid gland integrates with the regular thyroid, enhancing it.   Abilities: The Hyperthyroid gland is a regulating gland that is grown and then implanted on top of an individual's existing thyroid gland. This hyperthyroid Gland supersedes the metabolic functions of the thyroid, optimizing catabolism (the breakdown of complex substances, such as starches into sugars) and anabolism (the chemical conversion of substances, such as the construction of complex sugars). The altered metabolism produces more energy and effectively supercharges the recipient. Individuals implanted with a hyperthyroid gland must ingest twice as much food and drink as the normal person to fuel the higher metabolic rate. However, for that, the user receives drastically enhanced physical capabilities, allowing for the user to hit harder, run faster, have more stamina, and enhanced reaction times.   The Hyperthyroid gland can also enhance some other augmentations, that includes muscle augmentation and muscle toning, allowing for an even more increase in brute strength and athleticism.
The Hyperthyroid gland can be legally gained through a license, However is only really used by sports professionals, bodybuilders, powerlifters, and strongmen. The license is easy to acquire however.
The Hyperthyroid gland is only slightly heavier than the original.
Covers the person's original thyroid gland.
Base Price
140,000 Nuyen


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