Muscle toning

Muscle toning is a Bioware augmentation that involves enhancing the muscle mass to be more flexible and toned. Artificial muscles are not compatible with muscle toning, but it is quite compatible with muscle augmentation and people commonly undergo both procedures together.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Muscle toning is an amazing augmentation. Able to make the subject more athletic and dexterous.   Components: Muscle toning uses extra vat-grown elastic muscle fibers and treatments to enhance the existing natural elastic muscle fibers.   Implantation: First, extra vat-grown elastic muscle fibers are implanted in the body, then treatments are used to make the existing elastic muscle fibers more flexible. Abilities: Muscle toning has four levels, each one being better than the last.   Class 1: Class 1 muscle toning is not as potent as the rest of the classes, but it's still quite an improvement. This class allows the user to be more flexible than their previous self. Class 2: Class 2 muscle toning is significantly better than class 1, and the user starts to truly experience their newfound agility. This class allows the user to be much more flexible than their previous self. Class 3: Class 3 muscle toning is where the user starts to look truly defined in their physique, and their agility and dexterity goes through the roof. This class allows the user to be significantly more flexible than the previous self. Class 4: Class 4 muscle toning is where the user starts to look exceptionally defined in their physique, and their agility and dexterity shoot through the roof. This class allows the user to be immensely more flexible than the previous self.   While smart joints may be perceived as incompatible with muscle toning, they're commonly taken in a pair for absolute flexibility. As mentioned above, muscle toning is commonly taken with muscle augmentation for both the enhanced strength and enhanced dexterity.
Creation Date
Related Technologies
Slightly increases the user's weight.
covers the person's entire musculature
Base Price
32,000 - 68,000 Nuyen


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