Ares Dragon

The Ares Dragon is renowned as the world's most popular Cargo Helicopter. It boasts exceptional lifting capabilities, thanks to its utilization of two robust rotors. Moreover, its reliability is highly regarded in the industry. The Dragon has the added advantage of being able to accommodate additional cargo containers, further enhancing its versatility. Despite the decrease in production, Ares continues to manufacture the Dragon, ensuring its availability in the market. Many corporations with short-range delivery requirements house one or more Dragons in their hangars, attesting to its widespread usage and effectiveness.

Power Generation

The Ares Dragon is equipped with two highly efficient and robust dragon's breath Z34 turboshaft engines, which provide it with an immense amount of power. weighing 600kg each, these engines are built to withstand extreme conditions, such as being punctured by projectiles, and still maintain near-peak performance. In fact, their power output is so substantial that they can effortlessly serve as a reliable generator for an entire building.


The Ares Dragon utilizes two propellers for propulsion, one the front and one in the back. They have four blades and the back one is raised slightly higher to prevent collision from the front blades.

Weapons & Armament

The Ares Dragon, when bought for the first time, has no weapons and the weapons are strictly prohibited for civilian markets. However, when purchased for military use, it is possible to equip the Ares Dragon with various weapons. These weapons are but not limited to. 3 pintle-mounted heavy machine guns (1 on loading ramp and 2 at shoulder windows), mini-guns, heavy Tech weapons, and even up to plasma weapons, although the helicopter has to be reinforced to handle the residual heat buildup of firing plasma weapons.

Armor and defense

The Ares Dragon armor is quite strong and perhaps the strongest of any cargo helicopter. Being made of superalloy/titanium, leading into it having tremendous resilience against all forms of attacks, whether it be 50 caliber rounds, or even RPGs. The glass is quite thick ballistic glass. Some more advanced models even have energy shielding.

Communication Tools & Systems

The Ares Dragon communication tools and systems are highly advanced, able to work from even thousands of kilometers away and even under severe damage.
Creation Date
355,000 nuyen
Commonly sold all around the world
4.2 Meters
36 Meters
7 Meters
35 metric tons
370 kilometers per hour.
Complement / Crew
3 (pilot, copilot, flight engineer or loadmaster)
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
70 soldiers, 62 metric tons max carry capacity.


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