Renraku HJSH-20 'Murasame' Smart Rifle

The Renraku HJSH-20 'Murasame' Smart Rifle is the Osoroshī Akuma's chosen battle rifle. Being created by Kouma Asahi's daughter, this rifle has served the Osoroshī Akuma extremely well in putting down just about anything the Red Samurai has encountered.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Renraku HJSH-20 'Murasame' Smart Rifle is a marvel of smart gun technology, immensely powerful yet accurate.   Internal components: The Renraku HJSH-20 'Murasame' Smart Rifle utilizes a smart gun firing system that fires out 10x67mm rifle class micro missiles, and it holds 60 of them in a drum mag. The self-tracking device built into the top casing is immensely precise and accurate, able to track targets that are moving faster than the eye can see. And the device is quite capable of resisting hacking attempts and jamming devices due to an advanced firewall.   External components: The Renraku HJSH-20 'Murasame' Smart Rifle outer casing is made of an all-weather, heat-resistant, impact-proof polymer/ceramic composite which is stronger than steel.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Creation Date
Related Technologies
Owning Organization
The Renraku HJSH-20 'Murasame' Smart Rifle is usually only seen in the hands of elite combatants, but in recent times, there have been orders from police organizations such as Lone Star Maxtac and SWAT units.
Overall length: 104.14cm
Base Price
8,980 Nuyen


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