RM120 anti-material sniper rifle

The RM120 anti-material sniper rifle is renowned for its exceptional penetration capabilities and destructive force. Designed specifically for engaging heavily armored targets, it is equipped with a caseless ammunition system that fires potent 15.5x70mm heavy machine gun class rounds. These rounds are specifically designed to deliver maximum impact and are capable of piercing through even the most formidable armor. With its remarkable power, a single shot from the RM120 can effortlessly create a sizable hole in an armored personnel carrier (APC), rendering it incapacitated and neutralizing the threat within. The rifle's precision and range make it an indispensable weapon for specialized snipers dealing with high-value targets or situations that demand superior stopping power.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The RM120 anti-material sniper rifle is a extremely powerful weapon, capable of dropping an APC with the right shot placement   Internal components: The anti-material rifle utilizes a caseless firing system, the anti-material rifle boasts a range of impressive internal components. It is specifically designed to propel 15.5x70mm rounds, with a magazine capacity of 10 rounds. The rifle is equipped with smart gun compatibility, allowing for seamless integration with advanced firearm technologies. Moreover, it features a highly advanced scope that enhances accuracy and precision. The internals of the rifle are reinforced to withstand heavy usage and ensure durability in demanding conditions. To further enhance stability and support during aiming, the rifle also includes a bipod. External components: The outer shell of it is made of steel reinforced with carbon fiber composites.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Creation Date
The RM120 anti-material sniper rifle is a common weapon within Rivtech army, and outside of it too.
Overall length: 150cm
Base Price
34,000 Nuyen


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