sub-orbital aircraft

Suborbital flight is a modern method of transportation used for high-speed commercial flight. Even greater speeds are achieved in semi-ballistic flight . Suborbital flights are more expensive than normal HSCT flights and therefore serve a higher price segment.


Suborbital flight is a modern method of transportation used for high-speed commercial flight. Even greater speeds are achieved in semi-ballistic flight . Suborbital flights are more expensive than normal HSCT flights and therefore serve a higher price segment.   During a suborbital flight, the aircraft climbs at an acute angle to a flight altitude of Roxy approximately 23 km into the stratosphere, and there it begins gliding. In contrast to semi-ballistic aircraft, a suborbital aircraft has the option of descending to an intermediate altitude of 12 km in order to be able to make course corrections, for example.   By gliding outside the earth's atmosphere with its frictional resistance, any international destination can be reached within a few hours. For example, a flight from Europe to North America is possible within an hour. The optimal means of transport for the fast-moving Sixth World . Suborbital aircraft are launched using a linear induction rail, which usually receives its power from a nuclear reactor due to its high energy requirements. As with other aircraft - civil and military - the pilot of sub-orbitals is often a rigger.   Some megacorporation space stations in low Earth orbit can also be reached by suborbital flights.


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