Trauma dampener

Trauma dampener is a cultivated bioware augmentation that is a clump of specialized receptors, implanted at the base of the thalamus, near the Midbrain. Upon receiving sensory information indicating fatigue, pain, or physical trauma, the damper triggers the release of concentrated endorphins and enkephalins, naturally produced opiates and painkillers.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Trauma dampener is a very helpful piece of Bioware, capable of prolonging your life until help arrives.   Components: Trauma dampeners are a clump of specialized receptors that are grown from your cells for maximum compatibility.   Implantation: During surgery, the head is cut open and the Trauma dampeners are planting near the midbrain, on the thalamus. After approximately 2 hours of getting used to the brain, they activate and are ready to use.   Abilities: Whenever the user is injured severely, the Trauma dampeners kick in by releasing endorphins and enkephalins into the body to alleviate the pain. These endorphins and enkephalins are much more potent than regular and can easily ease massive amounts of pain, allowing for either help or for the user to finish the fight.   Trauma dampeners can be combined with other damage reduction augmentations, such as Damage Compensator. However, trauma dampeners only kick in after the Damage Compensators are overloaded.
Creation Date
Trauma dampener is a very hard augmentation to get for the average civilian, requiring a license that is quite hard to get. However, people in blood sports, military or police work, and dangerous work environments can get this augmentation significantly easier.
An extra 10% heavier in the thalamus.
The dimensions stay the same.
Base Price
41,000 Nuyen


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