Oasis Character in The Neverplane | World Anvil
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Oasis is the only god of the Seekers of the White Sign.  

Seeker Lore

According to Seeker lore Oasis inherited Elos, though scriptures are unclear where from. When Oasis inherited Elos it was a barren rock, It bathed Elos in ether which created the first life on the planet. It had only intended to create etherbeings, but in flooding Elos in ether mortal life developed on its own. Oasis sees mortal creatures as opportunistic pests who have no place on Elos with Its etherbeings and is known to despise them.   Oasis is believed to hate mortals so much that It caused the Crisis by commanding the etherbeings to kill all creatures who were unworthy. Despite Its hatred for mortals, It occasionally blesses mortals that It deems worthy by etherifying them. By a mortal being etherified they would become one of Oasis' blessed etherbeings and be granted access to Its realm, the Neverplane.  
Ether, Magic
Divine Classification
Current Location
Aligned Organization
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