Tiaoyin Gate
Tiaoyin Gate is an hotspot at the center of the Tiaoyin Forest.
Purpose / Function
Etherbeings can pass through the gate without coming out from the other side, leading some to believe the gate connects to another realm or plane from which etherbeings come. Mortals are unable to pass through the gate in the same way, so further research into the hotspot is impossible.
The gate was discovered in 852, shortly before the beginning of the Near Extinction. At the time it was believed to be a simple ruin as no abnormal paranormagnetic properties were documented. Before 901, mortals and etherbeings interacted with the gate in the same way - as a door to nowhere.
The gate "activated" in 901, it's paranormagnetism increased to a degree that it was registered as a hotspot. While mortals continued to interact with the gate the same way as they had done so previously (entering one side, come out the other), etherbeing interaction changed. Etherbeings were now able to appear from the gate and disappear into it, as if the gate were a portal that only etherbeings could enter.
After the gate activated the Tiaoyin Forest surrounding it began expanding rapidly, implying that the gate and forest are connected.