Bird of Paradise

Birds of Paradise are avian animals that have been found in on some former Pardian worlds, especially in the Far Frontier, and are associated by some with the Pardian Civilization. They are exceptionally rare creatures despite being dispersed throughout the galaxy, and have been hunted to extinction on certain Pardian worlds that had been occupied by humans for a long time. Birds of Paradise have rather unusual physiology, in particular many parts of their body of medicinal purposes akin to artificially created anagathics, and as a result are frequently killed for their parts. Live specimens too are highly sought after, and many wealthy menagerie enthusiasts or breeders will pay millions for living Birds of Paradise.   Birds of Paradise are rather like Earth birds, with a particularly striking resembling to Earth corvids, and some xenobiologists think that they perhaps do have origins on Earth, though this remains an unpopular hypothesis. They are fairly large in size, akin to a large dog, with wingspans of almost two meters in length, but due to their hollow bone structure are very light for their size, allowing them to fly, something which they can do surprisingly quickly. Their bodies are covered in remarkably vibrant plummage, which makes their ability to hide exceptionally well, strange. Birds of Paradise are extremely intelligent, and are capable tool use, and in rare cases of domesticated birds, imitating human speech.  
Animal Hits Speed
Bird of Paradise 6 12m
Skills Athletics (Dex) 2, Melee (Natural) 0, Recon 2, Stealth 5, Survival 2
Attacks Claws (D3)
Traits Clever, Flyer (Slow), Heightened Senses, Small (-2)
Behavior Omnivore, Gatherer
by Nightcafe
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length
1.9m (Wingspan)


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