
Rhodian Chronic Encephilitic Degenerative Disorder, know colloquially as Brain Drain, is a degenerative disease common in the Coreward and Counterspinward Frontiers. In effect, the disease targets the brain of its victim, causing encephalitis over an extended period and slowly destroying the brain of the victim, before a final phase marked by an absence of higher thought, loss of consciousness, lack of self-preservation instinct, and in some cases extreme violence towards themselves and others. Brain Drain is typically contracted via contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person or animal, though transmission through contaminated food is also common and airborne transmission of certain strains (possibly modified as biological weapons) is not unheard of. Victims with psionic abilities are known to suffer more extreme symptoms than those without, with the disease progressing within a matter of days rather than months or even years. The disease is chronic, and ultimately incurable, though with sufficient access to advanced medical facilities the progression of the disease can be halted and the damage to the brain mitigated.

Game Stats

Nature: Blood-borne, natural disease Difficulty: Difficult (10+)   A prion disease, Braindrain is typically transmitted through contaminated substances, usually blood, though improperly prepared food can carry the disease as well. Medical facilities of TL 12 or higher typically have the means to treat symptoms of the disease and halt its progression, though it cannot be fully cured.   Stage 1: After an incubation period of 7 days. The infected suffers from headaches, increased irritability, and a heightened sensitivity to extreme sensory inputs. Reduce INT by 1 every month or D3 and an additional loss of 1 PSI every day if infected possesses psionic abilities. INT loss cannot be recovered without access to TL-12+ medical facilities, or specialized medication.   Stage 2: Once infected has suffered a loss of 3 INT disease progresses to stage 2. Infected displays more severe symptoms including memory loss, sporadic loss of vision, smell, or hearing, and occasionally, heightened aggression. Reduce INT or EDU by d3 every week, or D6 and D3 PSI every d3 hours if infected has psionic abilites. INT and EDU loss cannot be reversed at this stage, and further damage only halted with consistent weekly treatment at a TL-12+ medical facility (treatment is impossible for psionic infected at this point).   Stage 3: Once infected has INT reduced to 3 or less disease progresses to stage 3. Infected is no longer capable of higher thought and degenerates into a state of lethargic delirium or extreme aggression. Delirious patients frequently lose consciousness, and suffer from frequent loss of vision, hearing, and smell even when active. Aggressive victims are observed to attack others, or engage in self-harm if they cannot observe others. Reduce INT by 1 and END by D6 every day. Psionic infected also lose D3 PSI every day. If END, INT, or PSI is reduced to 0, victim enters cardiac arrest and dies within minutes.


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