
Admaferrus Composite, known colloquially as Crystaliron is a superdense composite material used in the construction of fusion reactors, gravitic drives, and armor. Though it has been outmoded by more advance superdense materials, in the most advanced manufacturing processes, it remains nearly ubiquitous for its comparative ease of production, and extreme resilience to the effects of entropy.


Physical & Chemical Properties

Crystaliron is noted for its extremely long boiling process, and its ability to form extremely strong bonds with other composite materials. Crystaliron takes several weeks in a liquid crystal state before finally becoming a liquid, and this long process is used to manufacture items with it. The material takes the form of a dense powder of a deep ultramarine color in its natural state. Crystaliron is comparatively light weight with half as much mass as a comparable volume of Titanium. It is also extremely resistant to the process of entropy, allowing items created with it to last for centuries, even millenia with only modest upkeep and maintenance.

History & Usage


The development of crystaliron is partially lost to history, its creator and the finer details of its first manufacture have been corrupted on SBT databases and other historical records. What is known is that the Crystaliron was developed as an outgrowth of 3D printing technology. At some point in the late 24th century, the need to create more resilient objects via 3D printing as part of the earliest colonization efforts resulted in the first development of crystaliron. Within two centuries of its first discovery, Crystaliron became the primary material in the manufacturing of starship hulls.

Everyday use

Crystaliron is a common material in the construction of a number of components. It is nearly ubiquitous in starships, both as a material in the hull, the structural reinforcement of reactors, and the conductor paneling of gravitic drives in starships equippped with M-Drive technology. It is also used in the creation of most armored vehicles, and of other armored components as well. It also has a niche use in certain consumer goods, where its extreme longevity is prized.
GCr78 per shipping ton
Boiling / Condensation Point
Melting / Freezing Point
Common State


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