Esteban Galvao

Commodore Esteban Galvao Fernandez

Formerly a citizen of the Cincastrella Confederacy, born in El-Pratt. He could have had an easy life, coasting to a powerful position in the Cincastrella Confederacy. Greed outran his means however, and he took to theft to make some additional money, this embarrassment resulted in his 'encouragement' to join the Cincastrella marines, which thanks to family connections, resulted in him undeservedly landing a position as an officer and seeing him get promoted very quickly through the ranks. Military discipline seemingly helped Galvao, though eventually that ambition and greed caught up with again, and unsatisfied with his position he began stealing supplies from the Marines, and selling them to the State of Pariah.   When he was caught, he panicked, and defected to the State of Pariah, stealing a key military secrets as a bargaining chip. His defection landed him a cushy position as captain of starship, which he then used, along with his stolen intelligence to deliver a crushing blow to the Cincastrella Navy, destroying an entire battlegroup, and capturing a number of deep space outposts in short order. After this action, and eager participation with Pariah Naval Intelligence, Galvao was promoted to Commodore and given command of a fairly sizable battlegroup. He has since been exercising his new found power and privilege, finally, at least for now, satisfied with his position in life.


  • Primary and Secondary Education: Ecóle de Coslada al Mar
  • Tertiary Education: Acádemia Militar de Oaxaca

Service History

  • 9 Years in the Cincastrella Confederated Fleet Marine Corps; 2 Awards for Military Merit, Final Rank: Commander; Deserted and given Post Hoc Dishonorable Discharge
  • 8 Years in Pariah Navy, 3 Awards for Military Merit, 1 Award for Military Valor, Current Rank: Commodore

Criminal Record

  • 1 Count of theft (conviction overturned)
  • 12 Counts of military corruption and embezzlement (Convicted in absentia)
  • 1 Count of espionage (Convicted in absentia)
  • 1 Count of desertion (Dishonorable discharge, 14 year prison sentence not served)
  • 3 Counts of high treason (Convicted in absentia)
UPP - 5A659C
Date of Birth
Novebmer 25, 4461 (Aged 39)
Masc: He/Him
Current Residence
Ahemait Naval Depot
Aligned Organization


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