Geneviève Sunderland

Geneviève Sunderland is a bureaucrat in the Byzantion System. She is remarkably effective in this role, and has advanced to a relatively high position at a fairly high speed, while this was in part an effect of her relative privilege at birth (a wealthy family, allegedly descended from Old Earth Nobility), her own capabilities played a significant part in her rise. Sunderland had a history of involvement with radical politics during her time in university, but has since abandoned any radical movement to focus on her work. She has since become manager of a key customs and trade database, a role which she serves mostly dutifully though she has been known to use her position to her advantage at times.   Geneviève Sunderland, despite leaving behind radical political movements is known for participating in charity work, and has been observed in the construction of housing for impoverished citizens of the Byzantion System. Indeed she has made contact with a few major organizations to obtain supplies to expand her operations. Relatively well connected, though lacking in actual power, some believe that Sunderland aims to run for Byzantine Parliamentary elections, though she cannot be reached for comment.


  • Primary School: Sofia Galata Primary School
  • Secondary School: Fayyum Prepatory Academy
  • University: Eilleen Kirchner Memorial University
  • Graduate Studies: Eilleen Kirchner Memorial University


  • 9 Years of Service in Byzantine System Bureaucracy, 3 years in Customs enforcement, 3 years in Immigration services, 3 years in Central Directory. 4 time winner of local award for merit. Current Title: Senior Database Manager.

Criminal Record

  • 1 count Sedition (Conviction overturned)
UPP - 5649DC
Date of Birth
April 17th, 4469 (Aged 31)
Femme: She/Her
Current Residence
Constantinopolis, Byzantion


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